Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7%

Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7%

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 9 octombrie

The first month of autumn brought a series of economic and financial challenges for our country, especially in the context of a growing budget deficit, high inflation and volatility of energy prices. However, the Ciolacu government continued to...

Photo source: facebook / colectiefarmacluj

The Pharmacy Museum in Cluj-Napoca Reopens

O.D.English Section / 17 ianuarie

Pharmacies and medicines are part of our lives, sometimes more than we desire or would recommend. Therefore, it's no wonder that there is a dedicated museum. The Pharmacy Museum in Cluj-Napoca has reopened to the public, having been closed...

"Who Shares, Takes His Share"

"Who Shares, Takes His Share"

Radu SovianiEnglish Section / 24 noiembrie 2023

Radu Soviani

Radu Soviani: Mr. Farmache, now, more than 30 years since the start of the mass privatization program, I ask you what were the thoughts behind initiating this program and what were the most interesting elements in its evolution over the...

Taxes, constitutionally validated; War in Israel

Taxes, constitutionally validated; War in Israel

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 7 noiembrie 2023

The terrorist attacks that took place on October 7 in Israel, followed by the bombing of Gaza by the armed forces led from Tel Aviv, the attack in Brussels and the return of terrorist threats in the states of Western Europe made October the...

GPMB: The next pandemic finds us unprepared

GPMB: The next pandemic finds us unprepared

O.D.English Section / 31 octombrie 2023

Learning from past mistakes is a golden rule for an individual, a group, a nation... the entire planet. However, this rule is not often followed. Humanity remains unprepared for a potential new health crisis or pandemic, according to an analysis...

Vaccination, autumn campaign

Vaccination, autumn campaign

O.D.English Section / 20 septembrie 2023

In autumn, we no longer count buds; instead, we make lists of people vaccinated against various viruses that roam this world. Germany launched its autumn vaccination campaign at the beginning of this week to prevent respiratory infections,...

Anti-vaccinişti din toate partidele, uniţi-vă!

CRISTIAN PÎRVULESCUZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 24 mai 2021


În 2019, cu un an înaintea declanşării pandemiei de Covid, Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii declara reticenţa vaccinului "duşmanul anului". Ezitarea în faţa vaccinării în general, iar apoi a vaccinării anti-corvid în special, este...

Bidding for life - the inequality of access to the Covid vaccine

Bidding for life - the inequality of access to the Covid vaccine


The great race for the anti-Covid vaccination is in full swing across the whole world. Millions of people are hoping that the vaccine will end the pandemic and we will be able to return to normal. At the same time, many people are of two minds,...

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Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur399.9201

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