Campaign for consumer empowerment

English Section #Agro-alimentar / 3 iulie 2024

Campaign for consumer empowerment

Versiunea în limba română

Informed consumers also protect their health and money. The employers' federation in the food industry Romalimenta has decided to join the Safe2EatEU consumer responsibility campaign, run by the National Veterinary Sanitary and Food Safety Authority. According to ANSVSA: "The National Veterinary Sanitary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA), the national partner of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), is currently carrying out the European consumer responsibility campaign #Safe2EatEU. Given the importance of the topics covered - food additives, allergens and food waste, the Romanian Food Industry Employers' Federation (Romalimenta) decided to join this initiative".

The ANSVSA - Romalimenta joint campaigns will address the following aspects in detail: the role and safety of food additives authorized at the European level; the importance of clear labeling of allergens to protect sensitive people; good practices and opportunities in the field of reducing food waste. Sorin Minea, president of Romalimenta, stated: "The three priority themes of the #Safe2EatEU campaign are of great interest to both consumers and operators in the food industry. Romalimenta considered it appropriate to get involved with ANSVSA to ensure clear information and transparency of the Romanian public. We are confident that this partnership will contribute to building a culture of responsible and sustainable consumption, for the benefit of all participants in the food chain." For his part, the president of ANSVSA, Alexandru Bociu, believes that, together with the employers' federation, the institution he leads will combat disinformation and provide scientifically verified information: "Collaboration with Romalimenta is essential to achieve the objectives of the #Safe2EatEU campaign to increase the degree of consumer awareness about food safety. Together we will combat misinformation and provide scientifically verified information." Food safety is very important in any civilized state, which assumes a set of clear rules.

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