Photo source: Facebook/ Paris 2024

Paris Olympics, "medal" for environmental protection

O.D.English Section / 13 decembrie 2024

The Games have been over for months, but there is still good news coming out of Paris. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games have been halved compared to previous editions, despite the higher-than-expected impact...

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia treats all its opponents with respect, according to TASS: "Based on the vast experience of organizing large-scale sports events, including the Sochi Winter Games and the FIFA World Cup, we are promoting new formats of cooperation, relying at the same time on the true ideals and principles of sport".

Signal: Russia wants to thaw relations with the IOC

O.D.English Section / 21 octombrie 2024

Russia has decided to rebuild the bridges that connect it to the world of international sports. The first step was from the highest level. The Russian Minister of Sports, Mikhail Degtyarev, who would fill the vacant post of head of the Russian...

Save the Olympics!

Save the Olympics!

DAN NICOLAIEEnglish Section / 13 august 2024


The Olympic Games, the greatest sports competition of mankind, have ended and I hope not to see another edition like this one in Paris

Khelif s-a calificat, ieri, în sferturi, după ce oponenta sa, Angela Karini, a abandonat meciul după 46 de secunde. (Sursa foto: facebook / Imane Khelif)

Olimpiada diversităţii duse spre limită

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Sport / 2 august 2024

Jocurile Olimpice de la Paris sunt atipice din foarte multe puncte de vedere. Festivitatea de deschidere a oferit un semnal puternic într-un anumit sens, care nu are neapărat legătură cu sportul, iar pe această linie se pot descoperi lucruri...

Photo source: facebook / Imane Khelif

Diversity Olympics pushed to the limit

O.D.English Section / 2 august 2024

The Olympic Games in Paris are atypical in many ways. The opening ceremony sent a strong signal in a way that isn't necessarily sports-related, and along those lines, surprising things can be discovered. In Paris, a breach was opened, related...

Fear of successful people

Fear of successful people

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 1 august 2024

Dan Nicolaie

In the summer, the wise man, who does not bother to make a sledge, goes to the beach. Since I have nowhere to go with the sled, I went to the beach for a few days.

The Olympics, affected by heat and pollution

The Olympics, affected by heat and pollution

O.D.English Section / 31 iulie 2024

Heatwave and pollution leave their mark on the current edition of the Olympic Games. The first problems started to appear, and here it is not only a matter of thermal discomfort, but also of the postponement of some tests. The thermometers...

IOC President: "The moment of truth has arrived"

IOC President: "The moment of truth has arrived"

O.D.English Section / 25 iulie 2024

Only one day separates us from the official start of the Summer Olympic Games. "The moment of truth has arrived" for the Olympic Games in Paris, whose competitions started yesterday, two days before the opening ceremony, emphasized the...

CIO dezminte anularea JO de la Paris

CIO dezminte anularea JO de la Paris

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Sport / 5 iulie 2024

Jocurile Olimpice de la Paris s-au confruntat în permanenţă cu tot felul de ameninţări. Urmările pandemiei, terorismul, războiul, conflictele politice sunt câteva dintre aceste ameninţări, care nu au legătură cu sportul, dar îl influenţează....

Sportivii ruşi îşi fac loc la Jocurile Olimpice

Sportivii ruşi îşi fac loc la Jocurile Olimpice

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Sport / 1 iulie 2024

Sportivii din Rusia şi Belarus au primit o mică şansă pentru a putea ajunge la Paris şi o parte dintre ei au deci să profite de ea. Comitetul Internaţional Olimpic a autorizat 22 de sportivi ruşi şi 17 belaruşi să participe sub drapel neutru la...

Russian athletes make their way to the Olympics

Russian athletes make their way to the Olympics

O.D.English Section / 1 iulie 2024

Athletes from Russia and Belarus have been given a small chance to reach Paris and some of them have to take advantage of it. The International Olympic Committee authorized 22 Russian and 17 Belarusian athletes to participate under a neutral flag...

JO Paris: Podium din plastic reciclat

JO Paris: Podium din plastic reciclat

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 27 mai 2024

Reîmprietenirea cu mediul reprezintă o provocare şi pentru lumea sportului. Paşii sunt infimi având în vedere ce resurse sunt consumate pentru marile competiţii sportive. După mascote, torţă, medalii şi afiş, se ştie cum arată podiumul Jocurilor...

Paris Olympics: Recycled plastic podium

Paris Olympics: Recycled plastic podium

O.D.English Section / 27 mai 2024

Reacquainting with the environment is also a challenge for the world of sports. The steps are minuscule considering what resources are consumed for major sports competitions. After the mascots, torch, medals and poster, we know what the podium of...

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