Critical Thinking Workshop for Students

Critical Thinking Workshop for Students

O.D.Miscellanea / 25 februarie

The "Babeş-Bolyai' University of Cluj-Napoca announces the organization of a new "Critical Thinking Workshop", held from March 3 to April 14, 2025, under the title "Great Writers of the Great War War. Between Two Worlds"....

"Forever Pollutants" and Their Health Risks

"Forever Pollutants" and Their Health Risks

O.D.English Section / 17 februarie

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), nicknamed "forever pollutants," are a growing concern due to their toxic effects on human health, including the risk of cancer. These nearly indestructible chemicals accumulate in air,...

Raluca Turcan: "67% of Romanians have visited historical monuments or archaeological sites, watching movies at the cinema will reach 34% in 2023, an increase from 26% and 59% of respondents have read books, either in physical format or in digital format, and 45% of Romanians have visited a museum, an exhibition, or a gallery". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

Turcan: Cultural Consumption, on the Rise

O.D.English Section / 14 noiembrie 2024

Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan claims that the data of the 2023 Cultural Consumption Barometer show an increase and confirms that the strategic directions she had during her mandate as Minister of Culture were correct. The Minister recalled...

"Black Cat Day, celebrated on October 26 at the Antipa Museum, is dedicated to promoting adoption and eliminating superstitions related to these animals, supporting the idea that every cat deserves love and care, regardless of its color. The event includes an adoption fair, organized by the TNR Association, mini-conferences and workshops dedicated to cute felines", reports the Antipa Museum.

Adoption Fair at the "Grigore Antipa" Museum

O.D.English Section / 24 octombrie 2024

Animal lovers have a meeting point in the Capital this weekend. The "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History together with the TNR Association are organizing, on Saturday, Black Cat Day. "Black Cat Day, celebrated on...

Photo source: facebook / Directoratul Naţional de Securitate Cibernetică - DNSC

Warning: Mail identity used by cybercriminals

O.D.English Section / 6 august 2024

In the virtual environment, most gifts that appear out of nowhere contain unpleasant surprises. The National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC) warned that, during this period, numerous reports were analyzed regarding the use of the identity of...

Photo source: antipa.ro

Exhibition: "The reader - a new endangered species"

O.D.English Section / 25 iulie 2024

Reading has become an activity increasingly avoided by the great mass of people in our country. The benefits of this enterprise are obvious, but nevertheless the number of readers is constantly decreasing. The Antipa Museum offers the public, on...

School dropout rates remain very high

School dropout rates remain very high

O.D.English Section / 16 iulie 2024

The Save the Children organization raises the alarm by informing that, at the national level, over 15% of children have not even reached the end of the 8th grade and there are counties where the percentage exceeds 25%. The final results of the...

Relaxation before exams, recommended by specialists

Relaxation before exams, recommended by specialists

O.D.English Section / 26 iunie 2024

Students are in full exam period. The pressure is at its highest. The national exams, regardless of whether it is the National Assessment or the Baccalaureate, mean the end of a cycle of secondary or high school studies, but, at the same time,...

Generaţia care dă mesaj înainte să sune

Generaţia care dă mesaj înainte să sune

Dan NicolaieSport / 23 iunie 2024

Dan Nicolaie

Există momente cand spiritul critic umblă cu capul spart, dacă nu cumva zace leşinat în şanţ. În domeniul sportului astfel de momente apar în timpul marilor competiţii sportive (Campionat Mondial, Campionat European, Jocuri Olimpice).

Bookfest: A million volumes for readers

Bookfest: A million volumes for readers

O.D.English Section / 20 mai 2024

The end of May is, from a cultural point of view, under the sign of the book fair in Bucharest. The Bookfest International Book Fair opens its doors on May 29, at Romexpo. No less than 200 exhibitors from all over the country, together with...

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