The "Babeş-Bolyai' University of Cluj-Napoca announces the organization of a new "Critical Thinking Workshop", held from March 3 to April 14, 2025, under the title "Great Writers of the Great War War. Between Two Worlds". The event will take place at the Alexandru Duma Museum and is open to students interested in the impact of the First World War on literature. The workshop includes debates, lectures, educational games and interactive sessions, offering participants the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and argumentation skills. The summer program will take place between July 15 and 25, 2025, with daily sessions from Tuesday to Friday. Participants will have the opportunity to (re)discover writers influenced by the Great War and analyze its impact on their works. During the workshop, the focus will shift from the authors' biographies to writings inspired by the war and the cultural aspects of the era. At least one session in each series of workshops will include a surprise guest, proposed by the organizers or museum volunteers, offering participants a unique experience. The workshop is aimed at high school students, but interested middle school students are also accepted. Students can participate both as beneficiaries and as volunteers or practitioners. They can contribute by promoting in schools, assisting in workshops or moderating thematic sessions.
Participants will have the opportunity to practice and develop a series of essential skills such as critical thinking, argumentation and persuasion, sociability, creativity and many others. The program includes discovery activities, debates, reading, lectures, competitions, games, film, music, painting, historical reconstruction and other activities in which registered people will be able to participate together with the organizers. The workshop is primarily aimed at high school students, but middle school students interested in this topic can also register.
According to UBB: "For students, the workshop is a unique opportunity for volunteering or internship and is open to all those interested, regardless of specialization. Among the activities you can carry out for the workshop are: promotion in schools, assistance in meetings with students and, especially, moderating a meeting on a topic of your choice, which establishes creative connections between your own field of specialization and the subject of World War I. The summer workshop coincides with the period provided for student internships and represents an unusual opportunity to practice the skills acquired at university level, especially pedagogical, research and communication skills."
Registration is open throughout the academic year, within the limit of available places.