Source: South Park capture; processing Marius Alexe

OPINIONCAEN code 0000 - Fraud Industry

Marius Alexe English Section / 10 octombrie 2024

On the Botswana Stock Exchange, the AeBO section, numerous companies have listed, all presented as resounding financial successes. But in some listings, entrepreneurs, brokers and PR people reaped the financial success and investors reaped the...

Photo source: facebook / Sorin Grindeanu

Sorin Grindeanu accuses WeBuild of blackmail

G.M.English Section / 4 iunie 2024

Sorin Grindeanu, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, accuses the Italian company WeBuild (formerly Astaldi), which built the bridge over the Danube in Brăila, of illegally using the non-payment of a debt of 230 million lei by CNAIR to...

Blackmail for wind farm subsidies

Blackmail for wind farm subsidies

Călin RecheaEnglish Section / 6 noiembrie 2023

Călin Rechea

The new economic and financial environment has proven devastating for the beneficiaries in the wind energy sector, companies that had promised cheap electricity from the wind until recently. This is what happens when you start believing your own...

Şantajul nuclear

Cătălin AvramescuZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 22 august 2023

Cătălin Avramescu

Cred că am să încep să ţin o listă. Ceva numit "Mare-i grădina Ta, Doamne!". Acolo am să aşez, spre ştiinţă, cele mai aberante declaraţii făcute de actualii politicieni. Şi sunt destule. Dar deja ştiu ce va fi în capul acestei liste. O...

The Nuclear Blackmail

Cătălin AvramescuEnglish Section / 22 august 2023

Cătălin Avramescu

I think I'm going to start keeping a list. There I will drop, to be remembered, the most aberrant statements made by current politicians. And there are plenty of them. But I already know what will be at the top of this list. A statement made...

The goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in achieving a peaceful nuclear program

EXCLUSIVE FOR BURSA, THE NEGOTIATOR OF THE NUCLEAR PROGRAM OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRANThe goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in achieving a peaceful nuclear program

Seyed Abbas Agharchi (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 6 august 2020

Over the last few years, as senior negotiator of the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I have been in contact with various parties from countries and from international organizations, and the fundamental and essential question of...

Financial fair-play means health of the press

Financial fair-play means health of the press

DAN NICOLAE (translated by Cosmin Ghidovean)English Section / 3 mai 2018

Financial fair play is a concept that comes from the world of soccer. The notion is simple, don't spend more than you earn in a month, or in a year, regardless of what shareholder, mogul or investor enters the business.

Florian Coldea (photo source: Sri.ro)

MADE AVAILABLE TO HELLVIGColdea gets the hiccups

A.S. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 13 ianuarie 2017

Fugitive Sebastian Ghiţă won one victory last night, when the Romanian Intelligence Service announced, in a press release, that general-lieutenant Florian Coldea will be made available to director Eduard Hellvig. The decision of the SRI came...

"Do not give in to the huge pressure and the blackmail of the banking system"

AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PARLIAMENT BY BANK CUSTOMERS, AFTER THE POSTPONEMENT OF THE DEBATE ON THE LAW OF GIVING IN PAYMENT:"Do not give in to the huge pressure and the blackmail of the banking system"

A.S. (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 3 februarie 2016

Senators have begun their winter session with a one-week postponement of the Law on Giving in Payment, at the request of the banks' representatives, who claimed that they did not have enough time available to study the amendments.

The archdiocese has angered Papalekas

The archdiocese has angered Papalekas

A.A. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 31 martie 2015

Businessman Ioannis Papalekas yesterday announced that he would sue for damages and he would file a criminal complaint against archbishop Ioan Robu, who, on Friday, accused him of creating a criminal faction together with Dragoş Bîlteanu and...

The banking system, close to getting a seizure

The banking system, close to getting a seizure

EMILIA OLESCU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 6 septembrie 2014

The draft law which says that borrowers that have taken out loans denominated in foreign currencies may be allowed to repay early or to refinance their loans at the exchange rate effective at the time the loan was contracted was approved...

Sima's scheme

Sima's scheme

MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 octombrie 2012

From the moment that insistent rumors reached us that in fact, WBS Romania was still controlled by Sima, that he only sold it formally and that he still owns its shares through proxies, the possibility of a conflict of interest (which is...

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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