According to Richard Leck, responsible for oceans at WWF Australia, Australia's project would not protect "some of the most important areas of the islands", mainly the essential habitat of species such as the king penguin or the black-browed albatross.

Environment: World champions in ocean protection

O.D.English Section / 10 octombrie

Australia will quadruple the area of the vast marine protected area around Heard and McDonald islands, located near Antarctica, where penguins, seals and whales live, the government announced on Tuesday, reports AFP. This measure represents a...

Ministerul Educaţiei şi Agenţia Naţională pentru Sport au semnat protocolul de colaborare pentru implementarea Programului Naţional "Campion în şcoală". Foto: Elisabeta Lipa (stânga), preşedinta Agenţiei Naţionale pentru Sport, şi Ligia Deca (dreapta), Ministrul Educaţiei. (Sursă foto: Faccebook/ Ligia Deca)

Campionii sportului se întorc la şcoală

Octavian DanZiarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 3 octombrie

Tinerii au nevoie de exemple, iar şcoala poate oferi cadrul potrivit unde să se producă întâlnirea dintre elevi şi oameni care eu reuşit în viaţă. Ministerul Educaţiei şi Agenţia Naţională pentru Sport au semnat protocolul de colaborare pentru...

The Ministry of Education and the National Agency for Sports signed the collaboration protocol for the implementation of the National Program "Champion in School". Photo: Elisabeta Lipa (left), president of the National Sports Agency, and Ligia Deca (right), Minister of Education. (Photo source: Faccebook/ Ligia Deca)

Sports champions return to school

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 3 octombrie

Young people need examples, and the school can provide the right setting where the meeting between students and people who have succeeded in life can occur. The Ministry of Education and the National Sports Agency signed the collaboration...

Andreea Negru (right), the president of PEFA, awarded the students who obtained medals of excellence at the International Trades Olympiad held in Lyon, France

Excellence, awarded by female entrepreneurship

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 septembrie

Representatives of private companies, public companies, but also of public institutions such as the National Bank of Romania, Financial Supervision Authority, ANRE, and internationally awarded students in various fields were rewarded with various...

"Hard" process for the good world of football

"Hard" process for the good world of football

O.D.English Section / 17 septembrie

The fine world of football is facing a moment that may dictate its future course of investment. The petro-dollars pumped into European football leave traces and they can create problems. Manchester City, one of the world's richest clubs, is...

În România, din cele 1.033 decese prin înec raportate în anul 2021, un număr de 700 au fost bărbaţi şi 333 femei.

Top tragic - campioni la înec

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 28 august

Ţara noastră conduce detaşat un top...tragic. România este de departe pe primul loc în Uniunea Europeană când vine vorba despre decesele prin înec, în condiţiile în care, în anul 2021, aproximativ 21% dintre toate victimele acestui gen de...

n Romania, of the 1,033 drowning deaths reported in 2021, 700 were men and 333 were women.

Top tragic, drowning champions

O.D.English Section / 28 august

Our country leads a detached top...tragic. Romania is by far in first place in the European Union when it comes to drowning deaths, given that, in 2021, approximately 21% of all victims of this type of incident in the EU bloc were reported in our...

Children are great "collectors" of electronic waste

Children are great "collectors" of electronic waste

O.D.English Section / 4 iulie

Children are very attracted to technology and toys. The combination can be quite dangerous for the...environment. Most children between the ages of 6 and 11 in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region have an object that generates e-waste...

Photo source: www.frf.ro

EURO 2024, we have someone to support!

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 13 iunie

Dan Nicolaie

EURO 2024 is knocking on our door and it would be polite to open it. Tomorrow, the ball starts with a dance (Germany - Scotland) in which it is possible to lack fantasy, but we are sure that there will be no discount from the effort. The most...

Riding the whistle, covered by regulation

Riding the whistle, covered by regulation

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 18 aprilie

Dan Nicolaie

Phrases containing the following: football, Romania, Champions League, are still spoken on major European televisions. The game Barcelona - PSG (return) was decided by a referee. That's what the Spanish claim and not only that.

EA SPORTS dezvăluie Throwback Threads din EA SPORTS FC 24

EA SPORTS dezvăluie Throwback Threads din EA SPORTS FC 24

T.B.Sport / 8 aprilie

După lansarea primelor nouă seturi de echipamente, vineri, 29 martie, fanii pot experimenta acum o nouă rundă de Throwback Threads în EA SPORTS FC 24, se arată într-un comunicat de presă, remis redacţiei. Toate cele 18 seturi de echipamente sunt...

Photo source: sport.gov.ro

Local sport has awarded its performers

O.D.English Section / 16 februarie

Local sport lives through its performers. It is natural that they should be rewarded for their work. Mircea Lucescu, Simona Radiş, Ancuţa Bodnar and Cătălin Chirilă were rewarded, on Wednesday, with the most important prizes at the Romanian...

Tennis: Increasing Prize Money for Athletes

Tennis: Increasing Prize Money for Athletes

O.D.English Section / 15 ianuarie

Professional sports generate and consume a lot of money, and tennis is a prime example. The bar is continually raised, including regarding the prizes at stake. The Indian Wells tournament in March will offer total prizes of 19 million dollars,...

Huawei inaugurează Centrul de Inovare de la Paris

Huawei inaugurează Centrul de Inovare de la Paris

F.D.Companii / 17 noiembrie 2023

Huawei a găzduit astăzi, la Paris, Ziua Inovării, pe tema Inovarea IMM-urilor: Deblocarea viitorului economic al Europei. Evenimentul a reunit specialişti din Europa pentru a discuta despre cum să lucreze împreună pentru ca IMM-urile să prospere....

Photo source: facebook / Federatia-Romana-De-Canotaj

Olympic Canoers alongside orphaned children

O.D.English Section / 13 noiembrie 2023

The Romanian Olympic Canoeing Team joined the #CineNuCe campaign and attended a public event to show their support for the 2,000 children still living in orphanages, for whom Hope and Homes for Children is fighting to build family homes and...

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