Raluca Turcan: "67% of Romanians have visited historical monuments or archaeological sites, watching movies at the cinema will reach 34% in 2023, an increase from 26% and 59% of respondents have read books, either in physical format or in digital format, and 45% of Romanians have visited a museum, an exhibition, or a gallery". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

Turcan: Cultural Consumption, on the Rise

O.D.English Section / 14 noiembrie 2024

Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan claims that the data of the 2023 Cultural Consumption Barometer show an increase and confirms that the strategic directions she had during her mandate as Minister of Culture were correct. The Minister recalled...

Ministrul Culturii invită oamenii la film

Ministrul Culturii invită oamenii la film

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Cultură / 17 octombrie 2024

Ministrul Culturii, Raluca Turcan, a declarat că ministerul pe care îl conduce susţine Astra Film Festival, un eveniment cinematografic de nonficţiune care "promite experienţe unice, profunde". Potrivit ministrului: "Cinematografia ne...

Photo source: festival-anonimul.ro

"Anonymous", the films return to the Danube Delta

O.D.English Section / 22 iulie 2024

The "Anonymous" international film festival will bring to the village of Sfântu Gheorghe, from the Danube Delta, almost 30 films entered in the competitions of the event endowed with prizes worth a total of 6,000 euros. According to the...

Photo source: facebook / ffeRomania

The capital hosts the European Film Festival

O.D.English Section / 26 aprilie 2024

Movie lovers have a new reason to rejoice. The 28th edition of the European Film Festival (FFE) will debut in Bucharest on Europe Day, on May 9, and will end in Chisinau on June 8, during the weekend of the European Parliament elections, the...

Cinemas Day, hosted in 348 theaters across 30 cities

Cinemas Day, hosted in 348 theaters across 30 cities

O.D.English Section / 19 septembrie 2023

Cinemas Day will take place on Saturday, September 23rd, as announced by the Cinema Operators Association, in partnership with and supported by the Ministry of Culture. Following the record number of spectators recorded in 2022, more operators...

Brandul HONOR s-a lansat în România

Brandul HONOR s-a lansat în România

G.U.Companii / 6 mai 2022

Brandul global de tehnologie HONOR s-a lansat pe piaţa din România, prezentând primele modele de telefoane care vor face parte din portofoliul local de produse, potrivit unui comunicat. Noile dispozitive beneficiază de tehnologie de ultimă oră,...

The script, the cunning and the stupidity

The script, the cunning and the stupidity

Cornel Codiţă (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Editorial / 28 august 2019

Romanian politics has started rolling downhill, like a boulder. Everyone is wondering: where and how it's going to stop? Good question, it's just that politics, you see, even in Romania, is a bit more complex than a boulder. It's more...

Iliescu on trial - history begins now...

George Roncea exclusively for BURSA (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 20 aprilie 2018

We, who had organized the marathon protest of the century, knew who Ion Iliescu was, as the rest of the Romanian people took a long time to catch on, even Brucan was wrong in his estimate that the much maligned "stupid people" would take...

Vlădescu doesn't rule out a criminal complaint against Prosszer

Vlădescu doesn't rule out a criminal complaint against Prosszer

Ancuţa Stanciu; Adina Ardeleanu (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 20 februarie 2017

Reporter: How do you think the major loss of approximately 39 million Euros which Romcab reported last weekend for the year 2016 can be explained, considering that after nine months, it had posted a net profit of approximately 9 million...

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