pope francis
Pope Francis calls for freedom for journalists

Pope Francis calls for freedom for journalists

O.D.English Section / 28 ianuarie

Pope Francis has made a firm appeal for the release of all journalists "unjustly imprisoned" and for the protection of press freedom, considered essential for a free society. Although the speech was prepared in advance and distributed to...

Pope, a clear position in favor of women

Pope, a clear position in favor of women

O.D.English Section / 11 decembrie 2024

Pope Francis' public positions still manage to surprise with the themes addressed. Pope Francis criticized a macho culture that treats women ""as a second-class human being'' and assured that "those who take the world...

Pope urges moderation even on the last journey

Pope urges moderation even on the last journey

O.D.English Section / 22 noiembrie 2024

Personal example is very important in any situation. In the case of religious leaders, this example should not be lacking. Pope Francis, who during his pontificate has avoided much of the pomp and privilege associated with the global leader of...

Vatican, historic agreements

Vatican, historic agreements

O.D.English Section / 28 octombrie 2024

Autumn is also the season for signing church-state agreements. The Czech Republic and the Vatican have reached an agreement, marking a historic moment in their relations after years of negotiations. The agreement, signed in Prague, establishes a...

The alleged attackers at the Moscow concert hall, before the attack (below) and after they were detained by Russian forces

In Moscow, terrorist attack or special operation?

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 martie 2024

Despite the fact that ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the shopping center near Moscow and insists on doing so, Vladimir Putin insists on pointing the finger at Ukraine. Around this terrorist attack, each camp associates the authors...

Vatican: Plea for Priestly Marriage

Vatican: Plea for Priestly Marriage

O.D.English Section / 9 ianuarie 2024

Things are in constant flux in this world. Even the most conservative areas are touched by the wave of reform. The Roman Catholic Church should "seriously consider" the possibility of allowing priests to marry, said a high-ranking Vatican...

During his weekly address in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis called for the creation of humanitarian corridors to help those currently under siege in Gaza and also called for the release of hostages currently held by Hamas. His plea came as Israel prepares for a ground offensive in Gaza.

Distance Duel between Vatican and Jerusalem

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 18 octombrie 2023

Modern wars are primarily fought from a distance. Beyond the military aspect, there's another equally important one that deals with influencing public opinion. The situation in Israel is well-known. At first glance, Hamas appears to be the...

Why the Law?

MAKEEnglish Section / 18 aprilie 2023


The scandal sparked by the Apostle Paul's question "Why the Law?" from the Epistle to the Galatians has been going on for two thousand years. According to historians' periodization, the Epistle was probably written around 50-51...

Surprize şi certitudini, la Londra

Surprize şi certitudini, la Londra

Marius TiţaZiarul BURSA #Investiţii Personale / 13 octombrie 2017 /

În urmă cu un an, la 6 octombrie 2016, era stabilit cel mai mare preţ obţinut vreodată, până acum, de o pictură de Adrian Ghenie. "Nickelodeon" se numeşte lucrarea de 2 pe 2,40 vândută atunci cu 7,109 milioane de lire sterline, că doar la...

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