start ups
We need an industrial "renewal", based on the three great trends of the 21st century: digitalization, decarbonization and circular economy. (Collage by MAKE)

The Letta Report and the Draghi Report versus Romania

Theodor StolojanEnglish Section / 18 noiembrie 2024

Theodor Stolojan

In 2024, two reports were published, prepared at the request of the European Commission. The first report, coordinated by Enrico Letta, is entitled "More than a Market" and refers to the transformation of the single market into a true...

Illustration by MAKE

A buzzing idea - the Sovereign Investment Fund

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 23 septembrie 2024

In an unstable economic context and marked by multiple challenges, the debate on the establishment of a Sovereign Investment Fund (SIF) was recently relaunched in the public space, a topic that will be extensively analyzed in an event organized...

Our IT specialists, coveted by foreign companies

Our IT specialists, coveted by foreign companies

M.S.English Section / 10 septembrie 2024

Romania has become an attractive destination for economic, technical, and cultural reasons for Israeli companies looking to expand their IT teams outside of their main headquarters, according to a report published on the Carbon website, which...

Artificial Intelligence, engine for the economy

Artificial Intelligence, engine for the economy

O.D.English Section / 20 august 2024

Artificial Intelligence has already found its place in the world economy. The pressure to reinvent businesses due to technology, climate change and several other megatrends will intensify in the coming years, with generative artificial...

UBB became a partner of EIT Health

UBB became a partner of EIT Health

O.D.English Section / 15 iulie 2024

UBB School of Health became a partner of EIT Health (based in Munich, Germany), part of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology/EIT structure. According to the educational institution: "Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca...

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 8 mai 2024

Paphos represents the region located in the west of the island of Cyprus, a region where Greek legends and mythology state that the goddess Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea. On the way to Paphos tourists, who choose to stay first in...

Financing for construction companies

Financing for construction companies

G.M.English Section / 8 aprilie 2024

Manufacturers in the construction materials industry can apply, starting today, on the website of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, to benefit from non-refundable grants intended for the establishment and development of...

Linnify se extinde în SUA cu un nou sediu în Austin

Linnify se extinde în SUA cu un nou sediu în Austin

F.D.Companii / 20 decembrie 2023

Linnify, firmă de IT originară din Cluj-Napoca, anunţă extinderea internaţională pe piaţa americană. Compania inaugurează noul sediu din Austin, Texas, unul dintre hub-urile tehnologice cu o dezvoltare accelerată în ultimii ani, având ca sprijin...

Energy security - a goal of the Three Seas Initiative

Energy security - a goal of the Three Seas Initiative

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 7 septembrie 2023

The collaboration between American investors and companies from our country must focus on innovation for prosperity in all sectors of economic activity, but especially in energy and in the IT&C field, stated the participants at the second...

Hydrogen - usage hyposthases in the new technological era

Hydrogen - usage hyposthases in the new technological era

Emilian M. Dobrescu (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 31 mai 2021

Hydrogen is the revolution of the future in the energy sector, and Romania needs to make the most of the opportunities made available by the European Union's funding plans and instruments in this respect, a growing number of experts in the...

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27 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9772
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.6173
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2210
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9711
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur453.2378

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