the sun
Major discovery: a new "Super-Earth"

Major discovery: a new "Super-Earth"

O.D.English Section / 30 ianuarie

A team of researchers from Oxford University has confirmed the existence of an exoplanet in the "Super-Earth" category, located 20 light-years from Earth. This one, called HD 20794 d, orbits a star similar to the Sun and could be in the...

Cities must adapt to climate change

Cities must adapt to climate change

O.D.English Section / 21 ianuarie

Major disasters are wake-up calls from which people must draw the right conclusions. The fires in the US are a wake-up call related to the structure of large cities and climate change. The catastrophic fires in Los Angeles, exacerbated by the...

China Successfully Develops an "Artificial Sun"

China Successfully Develops an "Artificial Sun"

O.D.English Section / 16 ianuarie

China has announced the completion of a high-performance linear plasma generator, called SWORD (Superconducting Plasma Wall Interaction Linear Device), which represents a significant step in nuclear fusion energy research. The Hefei Institute of...

China aşa cum este

Adaptare de Călin Rechea după David P. GoldmanZiarul BURSA #Internaţional / 11 decembrie 2024

Adaptare de Călin Rechea după David P. Goldman

Schimbarea centrelor de putere economică la nivel global, care încă nici nu a început bine, şi schimbarea raportului geopolitic de forţe impun o modificare radicală a atitudinii liderilor occidentali, în special faţă de China, şi renunţarea la...

Photo source: Facebook/ Simona Halep

Double standards in tennis, Halep is outraged

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 2 decembrie 2024

There are institutions that manage to amaze with the lack of coherence shown when deciding to take action in similar cases. The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) has managed to provide an example of how things should not be done....

Claude Monet, one of the greatest masters of Impressionism, was captivated by London and its famous "fog", a combination of industrial pollution and humidity that created a mysterious and unique light. (Charing Cross Bridge, Thames, Claude Monet/ photo source: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza/Wikimedia)

Pollution, inspiration for works of art

O.D.English Section / 30 septembrie 2024

Pollution can have its charm, that's what great artists claim, who managed to immortalize it in famous paintings. Claude Monet, one of the greatest masters of Impressionism, was captivated by London and its famous "fog", a combination...

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Climate change is imposing a new normal

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 19 august 2024

Our country has faced a new wave of heat waves in recent days. This is the first red heat code (the tenth this summer) ever issued in August in Romania, the director of the National Meteorological Administration, Elena Mateescu, said. Entire...

US agency: Warmest July on record

US agency: Warmest July on record

O.D.English Section / 15 august 2024

Confirmation of the weather records set this hot summer is coming from several directions. Last month was the hottest July on record and marked the 14th consecutive monthly temperature record, according to a US agency. 2024 currently has a 77%...

Geomagnetic storms, caused by solar ones

Geomagnetic storms, caused by solar ones

O.D.English Section / 1 august 2024

Problems also come from space, they are not only the result of human activities. New solar storms could cause geomagnetic storms on Earth, with displays of the aurora borealis even at lower latitudes, according to the US National Oceanic and...

Natural disasters - unwanted record

Natural disasters - unwanted record

O.D.English Section / 10 mai 2024

Climate change also brings with it a procession of natural disasters. Violent storms are more and more present, there are areas of the globe that are more and more affected by them. The El Nino phenomenon and climate change caused by human...

Photo source: olympics.com

Paris Olympics: The Olympic flame will be lit today

O.D.English Section / 16 aprilie 2024

The Olympic flame will be lit today at the ancient site of Olympia in Greece in the presence of IOC President Thomas Bach, almost 100 days before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics, before a vast journey that will take it from...

The apocalypse is coming hour by hour

The apocalypse is coming hour by hour

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 13 februarie 2024

Dan Nicolaie

This Sunday I decided to put the TV to work. As my physique did not allow me some walks in the open air, and my inattention blocked my access to books (I sat on my glasses, not the sun) I found myself caught in the tentacles of TV news programs....

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Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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