
O săptămână aparte

Cristian PîrvulescuZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 17 februarie

Cristian Pîrvulescu

S-a încheiat o săptămâna specială, intensă şi dramatică. Totul a început cu anunţul demisiei preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis, a continuat cu conversaţia telefonică halucinată dintre preşedintele american Donald Trump şi Vladimir Putin pentru ca apoi...

Photo source: facebook / Crin Antonescu

Antonescu's sovereignist tendencies

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 februarie

In the context of the 2025 presidential elections, Crin Antonescu, the candidate of the PSD-PNL-UDMR coalition, returned to the forefront of Romanian politics after an absence of about a decade. Even though he represents the candidate of three...

Climate crises change labor laws

Climate crises change labor laws

O.D.English Section / 2 decembrie 2024

Spain's left-wing government has approved an innovative measure that allows employees to take up to four days of "paid leave" in the event of climate emergencies, such as floods, storms or other extreme weather events. The decision...

Collage by MAKE

Presidential 2024: so many promises, so many scandals

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 22 noiembrie 2024

The presidential elections in Romania, which will take place on Sunday, November 24, 2024, represent a crucial moment in defining the political direction of the country for the next five years, given the fact that, out of the 14 candidates for...

Illustration based on an idea by Eugen Mihăescu

Back on the boil on July 14th

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 iulie 2024

France is on the boil again on July 14, after the political situation became volatile following President Emmanuel Macron's decision to dissolve the National Assembly and call early parliamentary elections for June 30 and July 7, 2024....

Photo source: facebook / Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron, under siege by far-right parties

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 2 iulie 2024

President Emmanuel Macron's power is being shaken from its foundations after Rassemblement National and Les Republicains obtained 33.15% of the votes cast, i.e. more than 10 million votes, in the first round of the parliamentary elections in...

Source: ES Composite

Vladimir Putin launched the "witch hunt"

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 29 martie 2024

Despite the accusatory statements against Ukraine after the terrorist attack at Crocus Hall a week ago, Vladimir Putin and the FSB have not yet been able to present to the world any connection between the four ISIS terrorists and the authorities...

The politics of small steps

OPINIONSThe politics of small steps

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 23 februarie 2024

The merging of local elections with European parliamentary elections announced with great fanfare by the leaders of the PSD-PNL governing coalition, Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciucă, represents nothing more than a new policy model of small steps...

Anunţ de finalizare a implementarii proiectului "Platformă mobilă aeriană cu înalte capabilităţi de procesare locală şi controlată de IA, pentru extinderea şi asigurarea continuităţii serviciilor IT&C - SMiRTIC"

Anunţ de finalizare a implementarii proiectului "Platformă mobilă aeriană cu înalte capabilităţi de procesare locală şi controlată de IA, pentru extinderea şi asigurarea continuităţii serviciilor IT&C - SMiRTIC"

Comunicate de presă / 22 decembrie 2023

Societatea WING COMPUTER GROUP SRL, beneficiar al finanţării, împreună cu partenerul 1 TECHNOHUB SRL şi partenerul 2 TRENCADIS CORP SRL, anunţă finalizarea activităţilor proiectului cu SMIS 142550, Contract de finanţare nr. 22/221_ap3/19.07.2022....

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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