Illustration by MAKE

Trump wants to make Gaza an "American Business"

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 6 februarie

US President Donald Trump, known for his eccentric and often shocking statements, has announced a wild plan for the Gaza Strip: the United States would take over the war-torn enclave and turn it into an economic paradise. This idea not only...

Pollution Keeps Students Home

Pollution Keeps Students Home

O.D.English Section / 13 decembrie 2024

Pollution is causing major problems in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. Some Iranian students and civil servants have been told to stay home for two days due to severe air pollution affecting Tehran and several other cities in the...

Sfinţii aleşi şi sfinţii alegători

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 25 octombrie 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Alegerile noastre, intrate în linia dreaptă dinaintea momentului izbăvitor al "punerii votului", au căpătat o tentă prea puţin sau deloc remarcată de analizele politice curente. Scenografia generată de propaganda electorală a partidelor...

A year of war in the Middle East

A year of war in the Middle East

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 8 octombrie 2024

The Middle East has been in a fever of war for a year after Hamas terrorists decided to illegally enter Israel, kill the young, old and children and take several hundred people hostage, mostly civilians, to achieve their political goals ....

Photo source: facebook / Israel Defense Forces

ISW: Ballistic attack in two waves on Israel

G.M.English Section / 3 octombrie 2024

Iran launched a two-wave ballistic missile attack targeting Israel on October 1, experts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) say. According to them, Iran claimed it launched this attack in response to Israel's killing of senior Axis...

Airlines are canceling flights to Israel

Airlines are canceling flights to Israel

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 5 august 2024

Several international airlines announced at the end of last week the suspension of flights to and from Israel. The measure was taken after the conflict situation in the Middle East escalated, following threats from Iran and terrorist groups...

The tragic fate of Iran's hardline president is not expected to disrupt the direction of Iranian politics or shake the Islamic Republic in any way as a result, but it will test a system in which conservative hardliners now dominate all branches of power, both elected , as well as unelected. (Photo source: twitter/Ebrahim Raisi)

Ebrahim Raisi, buried today in Tabriz

G.M. English Section / 21 mai 2024

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died on Sunday after a helicopter crashed in northwestern Iran, is to be buried today in the city of Tabriz, according to information provided yesterday by Iran's Tasnim news agency, affiliated to the...

The UN Security Council, meeting for the situation in the Middle East/14.04.2024 (Photo source: https://dam.media.un.org/)

Israel ready to retaliate, G7 and UN ask it not to

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 16 aprilie 2024

The authorities in Israel are ready to retaliate after the air attack launched by Iran at the end of last week, they promise to retaliate at the most appropriate time, but the world's most powerful states from an economic point of view in the...

Photo source: www.iffl.il.jpg

Quds Day, under the specter of revenge

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 5 aprilie 2024

Authorities in Israel were preparing at the close last night to counter a possible massive drone and cruise missile attack today, Quds Friday, announced by leaders in Tehran after Israeli forces killed several Iranian military chiefs in a bombing...

The world has entered the "zodiac" of war

The world has entered the "zodiac" of war

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 19 ianuarie 2024

The world map is filled with red dots, marking places where armed conflicts of various sizes are taking place. In addition to these, there are also "orange' zones where tensions are escalating, and direct confrontation seems imminent....

Creşte producţia de oţel a Iranului

A.V.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 24 august 2020

Producţia de oţel brut a Iranului a sporit cu 9% în primele patru luni ale anului calendaristic iranian curent, început la data de 20 martie, anunţă Tehran Times, menţionând că ţara a fabricat 9,483 milioane de tone de oţel, faţă de 8,683...

The goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in achieving a peaceful nuclear program

EXCLUSIVE FOR BURSA, THE NEGOTIATOR OF THE NUCLEAR PROGRAM OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRANThe goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in achieving a peaceful nuclear program

Seyed Abbas Agharchi (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 6 august 2020

Over the last few years, as senior negotiator of the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I have been in contact with various parties from countries and from international organizations, and the fundamental and essential question of...

Mike Pompeo (Sursă foto: Twitter)

MIKE POMPEO:"SUA vor să evite războiul cu Iranul"

M.A.I.Internaţional / 23 septembrie 2019

Statele Unite doresc să evite războiul cu Iranul, iar trupele suplimentare care vor fi desfăşurate în regiunea Golfului vor fi pentru "descurajare şi apărare", a declarat duminică secretarul de Statt Mike Pompeo, transmite Reuters....

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