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Global Value Chains - Summary

Global Value Chains - Summary

F.G.English Section / 19 noiembrie 2024

Global Value Chains (GVCs) are international networks of economic activities through which goods and services pass through multiple stages of production, processing and distribution, carried out in different countries. These chains allow...

France, Romania's third commercial partner

France, Romania's third commercial partner

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 iulie 2024

Romanian-French trade relations are at a high level as long as France ranks third in the dynamics of Romania's economic relations with other countries, being also the third foreign investor in our country, but also in the top 10 - 9th place...

Our country is part of the Eastern European cross-border route used by criminal networks for human trafficking. These networks introduce migrants from Ukraine, Turkey and Afghanistan into or through Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria or Poland, through trucks registered in Turkey.

GIATOC Index: Crime remains at a high level in Romania

Gheorghe IorgoveanuEnglish Section / 8 aprilie 2024

According to the crime index for last year published by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, a non-governmental organization based in Switzerland, with a score of 4.58 our country ranks 27th out of 44 European states,...

The best month in agriculture... for protests

The best month in agriculture... for protests

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 februarie 2024

The political scene in our country was awakened to reality, from the sweet sleep it had fallen into during the winter holidays, on January 9, when hundreds of farmers began to move to the Capital, dissatisfied with the fiscal measures imposed by...

Chapeau, Napoleon!

Chapeau, Napoleon!

Marius TiţaZiarul BURSA #Investiţii Personale / 6 decembrie 2023

Marius Tiţa

S-ar putea traduce prin: Jos pălăria, coane! De fapt e sus pălăria, că ridici pălăria a salut şi reverenţă în faţa cuiva. Îmi ridic pălăria în faţa lui Napoleon. Şi în franceză este forma explicită, Chapeau bas! Adică jos pălăria. Toată discuţia...

Rudderless in bad weather

Rudderless in bad weather

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 octombrie 2023

The change of government at the end of the first semester of this year apparently did not bode well for Prime Minister Ciolacu's team, which found itself with a budget deficit that is increasingly difficult to control and manage, with the...

Tax wave

Tax wave

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 20 septembrie 2023

Companies that exceed a turnover of 50 million euros and banks will pay a tax of 1% on turnover provides for the draft law on some fiscal budgetary measures to ensure the financial sustainability of Romania in the long term posted, yesterday, in...


Media-Advertising / 15 martie 2022

Subscrisa, CITR Filiala Cluj SPRL, CIF 33154723, cu sediul procesual ales la adresa: Bucureşti, str. Gara Herăstrău nr.4, Green Court et.3, Sector 2, telefon +40 213 266 014/15, fax +40 213 266 013, email...

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Curs valutar BNR

21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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