Natural phenomena cancel hundreds of flights

Natural phenomena cancel hundreds of flights

O.D.English Section / 19 august

Airplane traffic is once again disrupted by natural phenomena. Mount Etna has erupted, causing the closure of the airport in Catania, on the eastern coast of Sicily, the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) reported, informs...

UNSAR:47 de ani de la cutremurul din 1977

UNSAR:47 de ani de la cutremurul din 1977

T.B.Bănci-Asigurări / 4 martie

Au trecut 47 de ani de la cutremurul din 1977, în urma căruia şi-au pierdut viaţa aproximativ 1.500 de oameni şi alţi 11.000 au fost răniţi, se arată într-un comunicat al UNSAR, remis redacţiei. România este, în continuare, una dintre ţările cele...

Minister of Education, Ligia Deca (photo source: facebook)

School infrastructure, still a danger

O.D.English Section / 9 februarie

School infrastructure remains a danger to students and teachers in many areas. For now, the authorities express their regret after each incident, but the problems remain. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, reacted after the incident at a...

Wave of Earthquakes in Recent Days

Wave of Earthquakes in Recent Days

O.D.English Section / 4 ianuarie

The last days of 2023 and the first days of 2024 are marked by a series of earthquakes. A powerful earthquake that struck central Japan on Monday triggered evacuation warnings for areas on the west coast, claimed dozens of lives (the latest toll...

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