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Războiul comercial din fiecare buzunar

Războiul comercial din fiecare buzunar

Marius MataragisZiarul BURSA #Macroeconomie / 5 februarie

Ştirea mondială a acestui început de an este, cu siguranţă, decizia de suprataxare a importurilor decisă de Statele Unite. În timp ce taxele puse Chinei (+10%) au intrat în vigoare, cele adresate vecinilor (cu 25% mai mari) au fost amânate. Nu...

Netanyahu acuză Hamas de încercări de şantaj

Netanyahu acuză Hamas de încercări de şantaj

S.B.Internaţional / 16 ianuarie

Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a acuzat joi Hamas că renunţă la anumite puncte ale acordului de încetare a focului pentru Fâşia Gaza şi a anunţat că guvernul său nu va valida acordul până când nu va primi asigurări că gruparea...

Graphics by MAKE

"Mom, look, a fairy!

MAKEEnglish Section / 12 noiembrie 2024


Călin Georgescu is causing a stir on television and TikTok with the nonsense that we shouldn't be concerned about the war between Russia and Ukraine, and instead, we should remain neutral and focus on our own interests.

Craiova has started preparations for... Christmas

Craiova has started preparations for... Christmas

O.D.English Section / 2 octombrie 2024

The homely man is no longer known by the sleighs and carts made in summer and winter, but by the holiday decorations. The mayor of Craiova, Lia Olguţa Vasilescu, announces the start of installation of the installations for the Christmas Fair,...

US agency: Warmest July on record

US agency: Warmest July on record

O.D.English Section / 15 august 2024

Confirmation of the weather records set this hot summer is coming from several directions. Last month was the hottest July on record and marked the 14th consecutive monthly temperature record, according to a US agency. 2024 currently has a 77%...

Illustrtation bz MAKE

The angel we write for

MAKEEnglish Section / 9 august 2024


BURSA celebrates 34 years of uninterrupted operation on August 10th, a living and vigorous example that authentic and upright journalism is possible in Romania and that there is no need to kneel as a journalist, neither before the owners, nor...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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