UN: Crises are interconnected

UN: Crises are interconnected

O.D.English Section / 19 decembrie 2024

Trouble never comes alone, not even in climate issues. The ways in which people consume and feed themselves are causing "interconnected" crises that affect biodiversity, climate and health, threatening the survival of essential ecosystems...

Drones to combat pollution

Drones to combat pollution

O.D.English Section / 12 noiembrie 2024

Drones can do good things too, they are not just weapons of war. Authorities in the Indian capital, New Delhi, have tested a prototype of a sprinkler drone to combat the most resistant points of air pollution. The metropolis of 30 million...

Climate change, chain problems

Climate change, chain problems

O.D.English Section / 23 octombrie 2024

Climate change plays a significant role in increasing the frequency and intensity of forest fires, which contributes to a growing number of deaths related to fine particle pollution generated by these fires, according to a recent study published...

Study: Air pollution causes many deaths

Study: Air pollution causes many deaths

O.D.English Section / 8 iulie 2024

Pollution literally suffocates people. Fine particulate air pollution is responsible for about 7 percent of deaths in ten major Indian cities, a study estimates, pointing out that mortality remains high even among relatively unpolluted...

Millions of victims due to air pollution

Millions of victims due to air pollution

O.D.English Section / 21 iunie 2024

Pollution remains a major threat to life on earth. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, causes numerous victims globally, including children, and is now much more lethal than smoking, according to a report published under the auspices of...

Meteorological disasters threaten health

Meteorological disasters threaten health

O.D.English Section / 6 noiembrie 2023

Climate change poses a threat to health due to the increasing number of meteorological disasters and extreme heatwaves, the UN has warned, calling for improved warning services to mitigate the most harmful effects. The United Nations' World...

High temperatures have affected the entire Europe.

High temperatures have affected the entire Europe.

O.D.English Section / 3 octombrie 2023

This summer has set numerous temperature records in many parts of the world. Europe was among the most affected continents. Approximately 3,100 people are estimated to have died in Germany this year due to high temperatures, according to...

The vaccine is coming back

The vaccine is coming back

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 22 august 2023

The nightmare of humanity from the past three years is resurfacing this autumn. The pandemic and vaccination have managed to disturb, divide, and isolate humanity in recent years. Just as visible and invisible wounds had started to heal, the...

Raport ONU: milioane de copii se sting anual

Raport ONU: milioane de copii se sting anual

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 11 ianuarie 2023

Omenirea se confruntă în continuare cu mari probleme legate de accesul egal pe tot globul la serviciile de sănătate, iar efectele sunt dramatice. ONU a solicitat investiţii în domeniul sănătăţii pentru a reduce tragediile care pot fi prevenite,...

Bidding for life - the inequality of access to the Covid vaccine

Bidding for life - the inequality of access to the Covid vaccine


The great race for the anti-Covid vaccination is in full swing across the whole world. Millions of people are hoping that the vaccine will end the pandemic and we will be able to return to normal. At the same time, many people are of two minds,...

The medical system needs sound economic foundations

The medical system needs sound economic foundations

Theodor Srtolojan (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu )English Section / 11 ianuarie 2021

In 2020, in Romania, the pandemic triggered by Covid19 highlighted the vulnerabilities of the public (state) health system both at the level of medical units and at the national level. I am thinking of the precarious medical infrastructure, not...

What will the post-pandemic world look like

What will the post-pandemic world look like

Mihai Gongoroi (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 29 aprilie 2020

The biggest challenge for the world right now is to find a way out of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a focus on avoiding new epidemic waves after social distancing measures are loosened, says Andre Cappon, founding president of CBM Group of New...

O criză medicală? Nu, o criză politică!

Cristian PîrvulescuZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 6 aprilie 2020

Cristian Pîrvulescu

Deşi este prezentată ca o criză medicală, criza pe care ne este dat s-o trăim este una cât se poate de politică! Peste tot, chiar dacă nu în aceiaşi măsură, criza politică este în acelaşi timp una internă şi internaională. Modul în care această...

Franciza: Ce şanse de reuşită au noile afaceri?

Franciza: Ce şanse de reuşită au noile afaceri?

Corina DrigaZiarul BURSA #Companii / 20 aprilie 2007

Am achiziţionat licenţa, am amenajat şi deschis noua unitate francizată res­pectând întocmai instrucţiunile trasate de francizor, însă cât timp va rezista afacerea mea pe piaţă? Sau va supravieţui ea? De unde ştiu că nu doar afacerea mea va...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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