Photo source: www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia

Gaia Space Probe Retires

O.D.English Section / 17 ianuarie

Nobody and nothing works forever, even space probes retire. The European space probe Gaia ended its work this week after more than 10 years of operation, during which it revolutionized the way people understand our Milky Way galaxy, informs DPA....

Premeditated regionalization, a scarecrow project

Premeditated regionalization, a scarecrow project

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 15 ianuarie

The parties have a rack of canned projects, which they put on the table whenever they feel the need for a smokescreen. Regionalization is one such project, mentioned even during the communist period, which has been brought to light and shelved at...

Photo source: facebook / Israel Defense Forces

ISW: Ballistic attack in two waves on Israel

G.M.English Section / 3 octombrie 2024

Iran launched a two-wave ballistic missile attack targeting Israel on October 1, experts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) say. According to them, Iran claimed it launched this attack in response to Israel's killing of senior Axis...

Despre îngrijorarea principală legată de Vassilios Skouris (foto), un înaltoficial al FIFA, care îndeplineşte simultan două funcţii, un expert în dreptulUE, citat anonim din cauza sensibilităţii subiectului, a declarat: "Este similarcu un avocat care lucrează pentru Google sau Microsoft, fiind implicat înacelaşi timp şi în comisia de selecţie a judecătorilor care ar putea decidecazuri ce implică astfel de companii". (Sursă foto: www.law-school.de)

Conflict de interese pe "axa" FIFA - CJUE

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 1 octombrie 2024

Federaţia Internaţională de Fotbal (FIFA) are parte, în mod constant, de controverse legate de conducătorii săi. Vassilios Skouris, un înalt oficial al FIFA, jurist grec, îndeplineşte simultan două funcţii care ridică întrebări legate de posibile...

About the main concern about Vassilios Skouris (pictured), a high dual-function FIFA official, a legal expert The EU, quoted anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, said: "It is similarwith a lawyer who works for Google or Microsoft, being involved in at the same time in the selection committee of the judges who could decidecases involving such companies". (Photo source: www.law-school.de)

Conflict of interest on the "axis" FIFA - CJEU

O.D.English Section / 1 octombrie 2024

The International Football Federation (FIFA) is constantly involved in controversies related to its leaders. Vassilios Skouris, a senior FIFA official, a Greek jurist, holds two positions simultaneously that raise questions about possible...

Photo source: facebook / PalatulCulturiiMures

"History" renovated with 10.9 million lei

O.D.English Section / 4 martie 2024

Heritage buildings need help to tell their stories. The Mureş County Council and the Centru Regional Development Agency inaugurated the rehabilitation and restoration works of the Palace of Culture in Târgu Mureş, considered to be the Art Nouveau...

Messi, subiect de scandal pe axa Miami - Hong Kong

Messi, subiect de scandal pe axa Miami - Hong Kong

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Sport / 12 februarie 2024

Cariera lui Messi a intrat într-o zonă foarte bună din punct de vedere financiar, dar plină de controverse, unele chiar fără legătură cu sportul. Scandalul stârnit de absenţa lui Lionel Messi de la un meci amical în Hong Kong s-a extins în China...

God's fingerprint - Appendix 1

MAKEEnglish Section / 17 aprilie 2023


The wave effect - like circular waves of water stirred around the center where a stone has fallen - is found as an invariant in the way the Jews thought about the creation of the universe, in the way they understand the Tanakh/Old Testament...

We know who is gonna win the elections in the US


The world is a complex place and full of uncertainties. That may be. But we are convinced it is rather simple. Simpler than it seems and more complicated than we believe. Here is also the illustration: the American presidential elections. Their...

Echipa Axis Communications Romania se extinde

Echipa Axis Communications Romania se extinde

A.I.GCompanii / 29 noiembrie 2019

Axis Communications, lider global in echipamente video de retea, anunţă consolidarea echipei din ţara noastră prin extinderea acesteia cu o poziţie de Inside Sales Account Manager, care va fi ocupată de Mircea Tudosie, specialist in management şi...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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