Copernicus: 2024 to be warmest year on record

Copernicus: 2024 to be warmest year on record

O.D.English Section / 11 noiembrie 2024

The world is warming and almost everyone is feeling it. 2024 will almost certainly be the warmest year on record, the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Thursday. The data was released ahead of the UN climate...

Sursa: acad.rp

The Romanian Academy will have a new headquarters

O.D.English Section / 5 august 2024

The Romanian Academy will have a new headquarters. The Romanian Academy announces the start of construction works for its new headquarters and the rehabilitation of the historic headquarters in Calea Victoriei 125, sector 1, Bucharest, the new...

Photo source facebook - Archaeologia Bulgarica

Archaeology: Ancient statue discovered in "sewer"

O.D.English Section / 15 iulie 2024

Archeology still offers pleasant surprises for historians and the general public. Researchers from the Archaeological Academy of Sofia discovered a marble statue of the god Hermes in an ancient Roman sewer gallery at the site of Heraclea Sintica...

Tech IPOs fell sharply after 2021's record high

Tech IPOs fell sharply after 2021's record high

A.V.English Section / 27 iunie 2024

US tech giants have enjoyed a wave of success in the US stock market, driving much of the rise in the S&P 500 index since the outbreak of the pandemic (in 2020) to date. Five of the companies currently referred to as the "Magnificent...

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

5 star resorts in the land of Aphrodite

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 8 mai 2024

Paphos represents the region located in the west of the island of Cyprus, a region where Greek legends and mythology state that the goddess Aphrodite was born from the foam of the sea. On the way to Paphos tourists, who choose to stay first in...

Culture Day: Monuments of ancient culture at MNIR

Culture Day: Monuments of ancient culture at MNIR

O.D.English Section / 12 ianuarie 2024

The first writings of the native culture are accessible to the public in the following days. The National History Museum of Romania opens, on January 15, the National Culture Day, the thematic exhibition "Monuments of ancient culture and the...

Copernicus: 2023, the Hottest Year

Copernicus: 2023, the Hottest Year

O.D.English Section / 11 ianuarie 2024

Meteorological records fell one after another throughout 2023, and Europe was no exception. Last year was the hottest in the history of meteorological recordings, with a "remarkable" advancement, probably the warmest in the last 100,000...

Photo source: facebook / MuzeulBanatuluiTimisoaraOficial

Exhibition: "Weapons that Forged Romania"

O.D.English Section / 20 decembrie 2023

History is full of weapons, whether we like it or not. The National Museum of Banat (MNB) is proposing two temporary exhibitions for the end of this year, both of which will be inaugurated simultaneously tomorrow, showcasing, among other things,...

Sebastian Burduja, went down to the Livezeni Mine, stating that he wanted to understand on the spot the problems and risks faced by those who work there every day and to find together the solutions that Valea Jiului needs. (Photo source: facebook / Sebastian Burduja)

Minister Burduja impressed by the life of miners

O.D.English Section / 17 octombrie 2023

Putting on the clothes of a laborer can offer a different perspective for a politician. It happens rarely, but it still does. Romania's Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, descended into the Livezeni Mine, stating that he wanted to...

High temperatures have affected the entire Europe.

High temperatures have affected the entire Europe.

O.D.English Section / 3 octombrie 2023

This summer has set numerous temperature records in many parts of the world. Europe was among the most affected continents. Approximately 3,100 people are estimated to have died in Germany this year due to high temperatures, according to...

Photo source: facebook / ambulantapentrumonumentesalaj

Cultural project for wooden churches

O.D.English Section / 27 septembrie 2023

Investments targeting historical monuments are investments in cultural heritage's future. A project aimed at determining the age of wooden churches in Sălaj through dendrochronological investigations is being carried out this year by the...

Măsuri anti-divorţ: un altfel de război

Măsuri anti-divorţ: un altfel de război

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 4 mai 2023

Autorităţile ruse au pornit un altfel de război în interiorul ţării: împotriva celor care "iubesc şi lasă". Deputaţii ruşi încearcă să stimuleze celula de bază a societăţii, familia, cu injecţii financiare. Deputaţi din Duma de Stat a...

Tinder se retrage din Rusia

Tinder se retrage din Rusia

S.B.Companii / 3 mai 2023

Proprietarul aplicaţiei de dating Tinder, cu sediul în SUA, a anunţat că se retrage de pe piaţa rusă, informează news.ro.

UiPath a depus documentaţia pentru IPO

UiPath a depus documentaţia pentru IPO

G.U.Piaţa de Capital / 18 decembrie 2020

Producătorul de software UiPath, primul unicorn românesc, a anunţat joi că a depus documentaţia necesară pentru o ofertă publică iniţială (IPO), o operaţiune la finalul căreia ar putea fi evaluat la peste 20 de miliarde de dolari, transmite...

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