TopHotel Awards 2025: Intra acum in competitie!

TopHotel Awards 2025: Intra acum in competitie!

Media-Advertising / 19 februarie

Cea mai importanta competitie din Romania pentru industria hoteliera, turismului si ospitalitatii, TopHotel Awards, isi continua traditia cu o editie de exceptie in 2025. Evenimentul va avea loc la Hotel JW Marriott din Bucuresti, pe 14 mai,...

Our country has four new academicians

Our country has four new academicians

O.D.English Section / 14 februarie

The Romanian Academy announced, following the General Assembly, the election of four new corresponding members and two honorary members from abroad. Among them are architect Dorin Ştefan and professor emeritus Paul E. Michelson, recognized for...

Ziarul BURSA, premiat de Confindustria România

Ziarul BURSA, premiat de Confindustria România

A.V.Media-Advertising / 19 decembrie 2024

Ziarul BURSA a primit recent, din partea Confindustria România, premiul pentru Cooperare, asociaţia care îi reprezintă pe cei mai importanţi investitori italieni în ţara noastră apreciind că avem "o foarte frumoasă şi îndelungată...

Photo source: Facebook/ Paris 2024

Paris Olympics, "medal" for environmental protection

O.D.English Section / 13 decembrie 2024

The Games have been over for months, but there is still good news coming out of Paris. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games have been halved compared to previous editions, despite the higher-than-expected impact...

Gaudeamus Book Fair Awards

Gaudeamus Book Fair Awards

O.D.English Section / 10 decembrie 2024

The Gaudeamus Book Fair was once again a success with the public. Humanitas, Litera and Polirom Publishing Houses, as well as Professor Liviu Franga, translator Claudiu Sfirschi-Lăudat and French journalist and translator Laure Hinckel are among...

"We have taken several steps that will support and encourage young people to choose to continue their studies here, at home, towards a research career. Scholarships for doctoral students have increased, since the last academic year, to 3,200 lei per month. We will soon launch the third edition of the call for scholarships for Master's and PhD university internships, postdoctoral and research internships abroad. Now the scholarships have an amount between 1,100 - 1,200 euros per month depending on the country of destination" announced the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, a month ago. (Photo source: Facebook/ Ligia Deca)

Student scholarships increased

O.D.English Section / 29 octombrie 2024

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announces that she has approved the new order regarding student scholarships. According to the minister: "Bigger scholarships for students! I have approved the new ministerial order regarding student...

Andreea Negru (dreapta), preşedintele PEFA, i-a premiat pe elevii care au obţinut medalii de excelenţă la Olimpiada Internaţională de Meserii care s-a desfăşurat în Franţa, la Lyon

Excelenţa, premiată de antreprenoriatul feminin

George MarinescuZiarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 25 septembrie 2024

Reprezentanţii unor companii private, companii publice, dar şi ai unor instituţii publice cum ar fi Banca Naţională a României, Autoritate pentru Supraveghere Financiară, ANRE, şi elevi premiaţi la nivel internaţional în diferite domenii au fost...

Andreea Negru (right), the president of PEFA, awarded the students who obtained medals of excellence at the International Trades Olympiad held in Lyon, France

Excellence, awarded by female entrepreneurship

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 septembrie 2024

Representatives of private companies, public companies, but also of public institutions such as the National Bank of Romania, Financial Supervision Authority, ANRE, and internationally awarded students in various fields were rewarded with various...

UniCredit, in a new trial in Russia

UniCredit, in a new trial in Russia

V.R.English Section / 5 august 2024

UniCredit SpA is facing a second dispute in Russia, related to the payment of guarantees that the Italian banking group could not honor due to Western sanctions imposed on Moscow after the invasion of Ukraine, according to the half-yearly report...

UBB became a partner of EIT Health

UBB became a partner of EIT Health

O.D.English Section / 15 iulie 2024

UBB School of Health became a partner of EIT Health (based in Munich, Germany), part of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology/EIT structure. According to the educational institution: "Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca...

MApN acquires 54 K9 howitzers from Hanwha Aerospace

MApN acquires 54 K9 howitzers from Hanwha Aerospace

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 11 iulie 2024

The Romanian land forces will benefit from 54 K9 self-propelled howitzers (SPH) and 36 K10 (ARV) ammunition refueling vehicles, according to the contract concluded between the Ministry of National Defense and the South Korean company Hanwha...

Relaxation before exams, recommended by specialists

Relaxation before exams, recommended by specialists

O.D.English Section / 26 iunie 2024

Students are in full exam period. The pressure is at its highest. The national exams, regardless of whether it is the National Assessment or the Baccalaureate, mean the end of a cycle of secondary or high school studies, but, at the same time,...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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