festival film
Raluca Turcan: "67% dintre români au vizitat monumente istorice sau situri arheologice, vizionarea de filme la cinematograf a ajuns la 34% în 2023, creştere de la 26% şi 59% dintre respondenţi au citit cărţi, fie în format fizic, fie în format digital, şi 45% dintre români au vizitat un muzeu, o expoziţie, sau o galerie". (Sursa foto: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

Turcan: Consumul cultural, în creştere

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 14 noiembrie

Ministrul Culturii, Raluca Turcan susţine că datele Barometrului de Consum Cultural 2023 arată o creştere şi confirmă că direcţiile strategice pe care le-a avut în mandatul de ministru al Culturii au fost unele corecte. Ministrul a amintit că,...

Raluca Turcan: "67% of Romanians have visited historical monuments or archaeological sites, watching movies at the cinema will reach 34% in 2023, an increase from 26% and 59% of respondents have read books, either in physical format or in digital format, and 45% of Romanians have visited a museum, an exhibition, or a gallery". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

Turcan: Cultural Consumption, on the Rise

O.D.English Section / 14 noiembrie

Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan claims that the data of the 2023 Cultural Consumption Barometer show an increase and confirms that the strategic directions she had during her mandate as Minister of Culture were correct. The Minister recalled...

The largest event to promote national cinema in North America will take place from November 7-10, at Landmark's E Street Cinema, under the title "New Romanian Perspectives". The festival will open with the award-winning film "Where the Elephants Go", directed by Cătălin Rotaru and Gabi Virginia Şarga, and will end with "Three Kilometers to the End of the World", directed by Emanuel Pârvu, Romania's proposal for the Oscar Awards 2025, in the category " The best international feature film". (Photo source: Facebook/ Three kilometers to the end of the world)

Romanian cinema is being promoted in the USA

O.D.English Section / 6 noiembrie

Romanian cinema, which enjoys international acclaim, is being promoted intensively in the USA. The fifth edition of the Romanian Film Festival in Washington, the largest event promoting national cinema held in North America, will take place from...

Ministrul Culturii invită oamenii la film

Ministrul Culturii invită oamenii la film

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Cultură / 17 octombrie

Ministrul Culturii, Raluca Turcan, a declarat că ministerul pe care îl conduce susţine Astra Film Festival, un eveniment cinematografic de nonficţiune care "promite experienţe unice, profunde". Potrivit ministrului: "Cinematografia ne...

Photo source: festival-anonimul.ro

"Anonymous", the films return to the Danube Delta

O.D.English Section / 22 iulie

The "Anonymous" international film festival will bring to the village of Sfântu Gheorghe, from the Danube Delta, almost 30 films entered in the competitions of the event endowed with prizes worth a total of 6,000 euros. According to the...

Photo source: facebook / ffeRomania

The capital hosts the European Film Festival

O.D.English Section / 26 aprilie

Movie lovers have a new reason to rejoice. The 28th edition of the European Film Festival (FFE) will debut in Bucharest on Europe Day, on May 9, and will end in Chisinau on June 8, during the weekend of the European Parliament elections, the...

The French Film Festival, in 13 cities in Romania

The French Film Festival, in 13 cities in Romania

O.D.English Section / 8 martie

Cultural festivals flourish in the spring. Films from the selections at Cannes, Berlin, Locarno, Venice, Toronto and Annecy can be found in the selection of the 28th edition of the French Film Festival in Romania, which will take place from March...

Photo source: facebook/CentrulCultural5

Free entry to the National Youth Theatre Festival

O.D.English Section / 7 noiembrie 2023

Hundreds of actors and aspiring actors can be seen at work these days in the capital. Contests, theater performances, and workshops for young people and teenagers are part of the program of the National Youth Theatre Festival "Ştefan...

Photo source: facebook / cnrunesco

Iaşi joins UNESCO creative cities network

O.D.English Section / 2 noiembrie 2023

Culture serves as an international passport for certain communities. Iaşi is one of the 55 new cities joining the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) following their designation by the organization's Director-General, Audrey Azoulay....

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