Pollution, an older problem than we expected

Pollution, an older problem than we expected

O.D.English Section / 3 februarie

Humans have been polluting nature since ancient times, this is the conclusion of a study. Human-caused environmental contamination with lead in the Aegean region began approximately 5,200 years ago, about 1,200 years earlier than previously...

Pope urges moderation even on the last journey

Pope urges moderation even on the last journey

O.D.English Section / 22 noiembrie 2024

Personal example is very important in any situation. In the case of religious leaders, this example should not be lacking. Pope Francis, who during his pontificate has avoided much of the pomp and privilege associated with the global leader of...


Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 18 octombrie 2024

Cornel Codiţă

Exemplele sunt peste tot. Ceea ce contează, însă, este faptul că toate punctele cheie ale lumii în care încă mai trăim sunt grav afectate. Delirul lui Putin a aruncat Rusia şi lumea întreagă într-o ruinătoare aventură militară, din care de ieşit...

Ilustraţie de MAKE

Coşmar în traficul aerian din Europa

George MarinescuZiarul BURSA #Internaţional / 2 iulie 2024

Transportul aerian pare să se confrunte cu probleme serioase, în fiecare sezon estival. Numărul mare de curse programate pe timpul verii, lipsa sloturilor disponibile şi condiţiile meteo nefavorabile, cauzate de schimbările climatice, duc la...

Illustration by MAKE

Europe's air traffic nightmare

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 2 iulie 2024

Air transport seems to face serious problems every summer season. The large number of flights scheduled during the summer, the lack of available slots and the unfavorable weather conditions caused by climate change lead to the cancellation or...

Home at ie

Home at ie

Dan NicolaieEnglish Section / 24 iunie 2024

Dan Nicolaie

We celebrate this year too, we honor tradition and cultural roots. We are trying to provide a legacy for posterity and the signs are very good, tradition is naturally embraced. There are also people who see the traditional peasant shirt as a...

Air-Sea Schengen - a glimmer of hope for free movement

Air-Sea Schengen - a glimmer of hope for free movement

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 1 aprilie 2024

We finally have, since yesterday, the air and maritime Schengen which, from the superior position of full member of the area of free movement of goods and persons, Austria granted us at the last meeting of the Council of Justice and Internal...

West University promotes cultural diplomacy

West University promotes cultural diplomacy

O.D.English Section / 8 noiembrie 2023

West University Timişoara (UVT) is promoting cultural diplomacy as part of the Timişoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture program in November, offering four international concerts featuring Alexandru Tomescu and Sînziana Mircea to audiences in...

Historic agreement on migration

Historic agreement on migration

O.D.English Section / 6 octombrie 2023

Migration has caused one of the major crises that have affected Europe in the last decade. There have been discussions, projects, tensions, and European Union member states have had different approaches regarding those seeking a new home. The...

Italy and Greece continue to battle wildfires

Italy and Greece continue to battle wildfires

O.D.English Section / 24 august 2023

This summer has been marked by wildfires across the northern hemisphere. A forest fire wreaking havoc on an Italian island has led to the evacuation of 700 people, reports DPA. The Italian Ministry of Health also announced that a red heatwave...

Legalistic Contortions before God

MAKEEnglish Section / 14 aprilie 2023


The need for logical discipline in disputatious dialogue arose in the informal war of words, where winning meant abandoning the other, regardless of reason; for instance, if the other person passed away halfway through the sentence, it meant that...

The smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven: Hillel

MAKEEnglish Section / 10 aprilie 2023


The emancipation in relations with God pursued in the background of this essay is accompanied by a complementary process of recession of sacredness, as Sforno (1) argues, without specifying that the basis of his statement is legendary:...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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The study 'The Roman Empire subjugates the Kingdom of God'
Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu pe Pământ
The Kingdom of God on Earth
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