New Holland
A day (at) the vineyard

A day (at) the vineyard

O.D.English Section / 13 iunie 2024

The industrious man is not only preoccupied all summer with building sledges for the winter snow, but also takes care of what he keeps cold in the pantry for the delight of the taste buds. This also applies to winegrowers. A good wine is prepared...

Source: ES Composite

Vladimir Putin launched the "witch hunt"

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 29 martie 2024

Despite the accusatory statements against Ukraine after the terrorist attack at Crocus Hall a week ago, Vladimir Putin and the FSB have not yet been able to present to the world any connection between the four ISIS terrorists and the authorities...

Hydrogen - usage hyposthases in the new technological era

Hydrogen - usage hyposthases in the new technological era

Emilian M. Dobrescu (TRANSLATED BY COSMIN GHIDOVEANU)English Section / 31 mai 2021

Hydrogen is the revolution of the future in the energy sector, and Romania needs to make the most of the opportunities made available by the European Union's funding plans and instruments in this respect, a growing number of experts in the...

The promised embassy in Jerusalem

The promised embassy in Jerusalem

MAKEZiarul BURSA #English Section / 8 mai 2018


Definitely, pilgrims and locals claim that Jerusalem has a geography, meaning that the city would be compatible with the cardinal points and that is why Palestinians, Israelis and people overall, including those of the UN, EU and the US, speak...

Tinerii fermieri din România - apreciaţi la Bruxelles

Tinerii fermieri din România - apreciaţi la Bruxelles

Larisa BănicăCompanii / 8 aprilie 2016

România a fost reprezentată, anul acesta, la Congresul Tinerilor Fermieri, aflat la a treia ediţie. Evenimentul, la care au fost invitate să participe toată ţările membre ale UE, a avut loc la Parlamentul European de la Bruxelles şi presupune un...

Illusion peddlers

Illusion peddlers

CĂLIN RECHEA (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 martie 2016

The European Central Bank has cut all the interest rates it "controls" in the last monetary policy session, in hopes of stimulating economic growth and inflation.

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03 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9774
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7667
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2900
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0274
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur440.0993

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