Patriot system
Let's win the election by tweaking the budget!

Let's win the election by tweaking the budget!

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 4 noiembrie 2024

The preparation of the campaigns for the presidential and parliamentary elections that will take place on November 24, respectively December 1, led the Government to increase the amount of budget expenditures in the second month of autumn in...

Photo source: wwww.mapn.ro

From F-16 to Patriot: Norway supports Romania's defense

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 octombrie 2024

Norway supports the purchase of a Patriot system by our country with 127 million dollars, the Ministry of National Defense announced yesterday, through a press release, after the decision-makers in Bucharest decided to donate such a system to...

Photo source: facebook / NATO

The stars of all wars: weapons!

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 22 august 2024

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza are causing excitement and concern around the world. The indisputable stars of these military conflicts are the weapons, sent to the involved parties from all areas of the world. Peace is desired, but war is fueled...

Photo source: roaf.ro

MApN buys 200 Patriot missiles

I.GHE.English Section / 12 decembrie 2023

The Ministry of National Defense wants to acquire 200 Patriot missiles, for approximately 1.08 billion euros, excluding VAT, in order to strengthen the air defense capability with the ground base related to the essential endowment program...

The image has an illustrative role. Source: facebook / Romanian Air Force

MApN acquires missile systems worth 9.48 billion lei

I.Ghe.English Section / 20 noiembrie 2023

The Ministry of National Defense, through its subordinate company, Romtehnica, has launched the public procurement procedure for short and very short-range air defense systems SHORAD/VSHORAD - state-of-the-art surface-to-air missiles, the...

Volodimir Zelenski: "Victoria Ucrainei este posibilă"

Volodimir Zelenski: "Victoria Ucrainei este posibilă"

F.D.Internaţional / 7 noiembrie 2023

Preşedintele Ucrainei, Volodimir Zelenski, a făcut apel la concentrarea pe victorie pe fondul dezbaterilor despre un impas pe front şi o presupusă oboseală a Occidentului, care a trimis mai multe sisteme de apărare antiaeriană Kievului şi avioane...

The coronavirus has changed the direction of the world

The coronavirus has changed the direction of the world

George Marinescu (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 28 aprilie 2020

Prior to the pandemic, one of the main concerns of the entire world was the military. According to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), last year, the biggest amount ever was spent globally, respectively 1.9...

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