atlantic council
Let's win the election by tweaking the budget!

Let's win the election by tweaking the budget!

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 4 noiembrie 2024

The preparation of the campaigns for the presidential and parliamentary elections that will take place on November 24, respectively December 1, led the Government to increase the amount of budget expenditures in the second month of autumn in...

Photo source: wwww.mapn.ro

From F-16 to Patriot: Norway supports Romania's defense

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 30 octombrie 2024

Norway supports the purchase of a Patriot system by our country with 127 million dollars, the Ministry of National Defense announced yesterday, through a press release, after the decision-makers in Bucharest decided to donate such a system to...

Photo source: www.csat.presidency

The Romanian army needs ammunition

I.Ghe.English Section / 20 septembrie 2024

The Romanian Army has run out of combat ammunition, following the military support given to Ukraine, according to the press release issued by the Presidential Administration following yesterday's meeting of the Supreme Council of Defense of...

Photo: The Institute for the Study of War

Ukrainian blitz-krieg in southern Russia

GEORGE MARINESCUEnglish Section / 14 august 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin's publicly expressed anger at Alexei Smirnov, the governor of the Kursk region, after the invasion of that area by the Ukrainian armed forces, is well-founded as long as the politruk from the south of the...

The seductive Diana Iovanovici Shosoaca, curse us!

MAKEEnglish Section / 26 iulie 2024


I didn't want to write about Diana Iovanovici Şoşoacă, she is a political Babasha and bringing her to the stage of an article in BURSA has the same effect as on the first day of the Cold Play concert, but my friend Octavian ©tireanu dedicated...

Photon source: facebook / Sebastian Burduja

New energy capacities based on natural gas

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 iulie 2024

Our country will in the next five years have new total capacities of 10,000 Megawatts of solar and wind energy production and new modernized gas plants with a total capacity of 3500 Megawatts, Sebastian Burduja, the Minister of Energy, said...

Disputa pe Patriot

Sorin Rosca StanescuPolitică / 15 mai 2024

Sorin Rosca Stanescu

O solicitare din partea preşedintelui Joe Biden şi o aprobare din vârful buzelor, cu dus şi întors, din partea preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis, se transformă într-o veritabilă dispută politică. Iar disputa generează în acest caz un scandal....

Iohannis, terapie de consolare la Casa Albă

Sorin Rosca StanescuPolitică / 8 mai 2024

Sorin Rosca Stanescu

Cele de mai sus sunt pur şi simplu cuvinte cheie. Cărora li se mai pot adăuga cel puţin încă două. Mircea Geoană şi imunitate. Este exprimat extrem de succint contextul şi rezultatul deplasării preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis la Washington. Un...

Klaus Iohannis, premiat în SUA

Klaus Iohannis, premiat în SUA

G.M.Ziarul BURSA #Internaţional / 8 mai 2024

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis se află în SUA, unde urmează să îi fie înmânat mâine, 9 mai, în jurul orei 2:00 a.m. - ora României, premiul Distinguished International Leadership Award pentru anul 2024, în cadrul galei Atlantic Council. Anual,...

Klaus Iohannis, awarded in the USA

Klaus Iohannis, awarded in the USA

G.M. English Section / 8 mai 2024

President Klaus Iohannis is in the USA, where he is to be handed over tomorrow, May 9, around 2:00 a.m. - Romanian time, the Distinguished International Leadership Award for 2024, at the Atlantic Council gala. Annually, the Atlantic Council...

The ECB signals a possible interest rate cut

The ECB signals a possible interest rate cut

V.R.English Section / 12 aprilie 2024

The European Central Bank (ECB) decided yesterday to keep its benchmark interest rate unchanged for the fifth consecutive month, but signaled that it could cut the cost of credit soon, even as investors question a similar decision by the Reserve...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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