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How political instability influenced BVB stocks

How political instability influenced BVB stocks

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 9 ianuarie

The indices of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) had an evolution marked by two distinct phases last year when, after a strong increase until the summer, the electoral period and the situation arising from the parliamentary and presidential...

Stock market year 2023 - among the best in BVB history

Stock market year 2023 - among the best in BVB history

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 4 ianuarie 2024

With a nominal increase of the main indices of over 30% and the listing of Hidroelectrica, which increased the chances of our capital market becoming truly emerging, the year 2023 was one of the best in the modern history of the Bucharest Stock...

Mastercard lansează Mastercard Premium Collection

Mastercard lansează Mastercard Premium Collection

S.B.Bănci-Asigurări / 22 mai 2023

Mastercard lansează Mastercard Premium Collection, primul program de cashback automat al companiei, dedicat segmentului Premium din România, care conectează posesorii de carduri la o reţea naţională de peste 50 de parteneri dintr-o gamă variată...

Catinvest aduce Hervis pentru prima dată în Craiova

Catinvest aduce Hervis pentru prima dată în Craiova

A.P.Companii / 22 aprilie 2021

Ca parte a extinderii cu o investiţie de 39 de milioane de euro finalizată în acest an, grupul francez de real estate Catinvest anunţă consolidarea centrului său comercial regional Electroputere Parc într-un hub pentru echipamente sportive şi...

The claims submitted by creditors in the Mediafax Group insolvency case

A LEGAL SITUATIONInterstellar ship Mediafax Group

FLORIAN GOLDSTEIN (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 februarie 2015

"Fiscal obscenity!", exclaimed famous graphic artist Eugen Mihăescu, referring to the practices of Adrian Sârbu, in the year 2000, but in fact, the lack of decency has been a part of not only his business relationships with the state, but...

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Curs valutar BNR

10 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9765
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.8173
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2956
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9796
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur449.4021

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