world class
Artificially processed illustration by MAKE

Georgescu tramples on BEC - his candidacy was rejected

George Marinescu, Sabin S. BrandiburuEnglish Section / 10 martie

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) rejected, last night, the candidacy of Călin Georgescu in the presidential elections in May. The invalidation of Georgescu's candidacy was voted by ten of the 14 members of the BEC. They claim that the...

2024 - a remarkable year for Bitcoin and gold

2024 - a remarkable year for Bitcoin and gold

A.V.English Section / 16 ianuarie

For several asset classes, 2024 was a remarkable year: Bitcoin rose to historical highs, gold recorded its best performance in the last 14 years, and the US dollar rose due to the evolution of the US economy, according to an analysis by...

Romania, a full member state in Schengen

Romania, a full member state in Schengen

A.V.English Section / 13 decembrie 2024

The interior ministers of the EU countries, meeting yesterday in the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council, decided to lift controls on persons at internal land borders with and between Bulgaria and Romania, starting with 1 January 2025, the...

Pope, a clear position in favor of women

Pope, a clear position in favor of women

O.D.English Section / 11 decembrie 2024

Pope Francis' public positions still manage to surprise with the themes addressed. Pope Francis criticized a macho culture that treats women ""as a second-class human being'' and assured that "those who take the world...

OLX îşi extinde birourile în America House cu 717 mp

OLX îşi extinde birourile în America House cu 717 mp

A.D.Companii / 9 decembrie 2024

OLX îşi extinde spaţiul de birouri în America House cu 717 mp, ajungând la o suprafaţă totală de 1.663 mp, ceea ce reprezintă o creştere de 43%, potrivit comunicatului emis redacţiei. Totodată, a fost prelungit şi contractul de închiriere....

We need an industrial "renewal", based on the three great trends of the 21st century: digitalization, decarbonization and circular economy. (Collage by MAKE)

The Letta Report and the Draghi Report versus Romania

Theodor StolojanEnglish Section / 18 noiembrie 2024

Theodor Stolojan

In 2024, two reports were published, prepared at the request of the European Commission. The first report, coordinated by Enrico Letta, is entitled "More than a Market" and refers to the transformation of the single market into a true...

New Gebruder Weiss logistics hub near the Capitalcompany

New Gebruder Weiss logistics hub near the Capitalcompany

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 20 septembrie 2024

The international transport and logistics company Gebruder Weiss expanded its network of logistics terminals in Romania by inaugurating, yesterday, in Popeşti-Leordeni, a new logistics hub, for the realization of which it spent 20 million euros....

Aleksander Kacprzyk

Resource Partners continuă investiţiile în România

R.S.Companii / 10 septembrie 2024

Resource Partners îşi consolidează prezenţa pe piaţa românească prin achiziţia a 80% din capitalul grupului ITH, din care fac parte Vola.ro din România, cu prezenţă inclusiv în Bulgaria şi Republica Moldova, şi FRU.pl în Polonia. Astfel, România...

Photo source: facebook / NATO

The stars of all wars: weapons!

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 22 august 2024

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza are causing excitement and concern around the world. The indisputable stars of these military conflicts are the weapons, sent to the involved parties from all areas of the world. Peace is desired, but war is fueled...

School dropout rates remain very high

School dropout rates remain very high

O.D.English Section / 16 iulie 2024

The Save the Children organization raises the alarm by informing that, at the national level, over 15% of children have not even reached the end of the 8th grade and there are counties where the percentage exceeds 25%. The final results of the...

MApN acquires 54 K9 howitzers from Hanwha Aerospace

MApN acquires 54 K9 howitzers from Hanwha Aerospace

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 11 iulie 2024

The Romanian land forces will benefit from 54 K9 self-propelled howitzers (SPH) and 36 K10 (ARV) ammunition refueling vehicles, according to the contract concluded between the Ministry of National Defense and the South Korean company Hanwha...

Croatian demining systems on the Ukrainian front

Croatian demining systems on the Ukrainian front

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 23 mai 2024

One of the exhibitors at BSDA 2024 is the Croatian company DOK-ING which specializes in the manufacture of demining systems. In the exhibition, visitors can admire the MV10 system, intended for anti-tank demining, a system that weighs almost 21...

Direct democracy, the scarecrow of the political class

Direct democracy, the scarecrow of the political class

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 21 mai 2024

The need for a real partnership between political decision-makers and civil society, between governments, parliaments and citizens, was the main topic of debate at the 12th edition of the Global Forum of Modern Direct Democracy, an event that...

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Euro (EUR)Euro4.9771
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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2179
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9460
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur460.4406

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