National campaign for the digitization of cultural heritage

English Section / 9 octombrie

Photo source: Facebook/ Culture and Tourism - Danube Strategy

Photo source: Facebook/ Culture and Tourism - Danube Strategy

Versiunea în limba română

The Director of the National Institute of Heritage, Oana Zaharia, stated at the European Heritage Hub Forum that INP is making efforts, together with the Ministry of Culture, to support a national campaign to digitize the collections of cultural goods owned by museum archives for libraries. Oana Zaharia stated: "INP is the coordinator in Romania of the European Digital Library project. The project ended in 2023 with over 600,000 digitized cultural resources, of which almost 200,000 are visible. INP is the most important contributor with over 120,000 documents from the archives own". She mentioned that, although Romania does not yet have a divided 3D digitization strategy of the cultural heritage, INP has realized, completed or has in progress several projects of museum collections, monuments and 3D digitization of the site, a project implemented with the institute's specialists or in partnership with state or private institutions: "We mention our collaboration with the international heritage Global Digital Heritage. Together with them we have so far managed to scan almost 1,000 cultural assets and some of the most important ancient and medieval monumental sites, such as the Roman city of Trophaeum Traiani and the Greco-Roman citadels of Histria and Callatis, as well as the Royal Court of Târgovişte.The 3D digital models are already uploaded online or will be in the coming months and are all accessible online and without conditions or restrictions regarding a free use license ". At the same time, the INP director recalled Romania's participation in the Twin it! International Exhibition, with two 3D scanned objects, namely the Chindiei Tower from the Royal Court in Târgovişte and the villa of doctor Nicolae Minovici, one of the great Romanian philanthropists, an architectural masterpiece of the neo style -Romanian.

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