Poll: Mircea Geoană, the politician in whom voters have the most confidence

English Section / 6 decembrie 2023

Photo source: facebook / Mircea Geoană

Photo source: facebook / Mircea Geoană

Versiunea în limba română

Mircea Geoană, NATO's deputy general secretary, remains the most trusted politician among the Romanian electorate, according to data from the latest survey conducted by INSCOP, for News.ro. With 36.3%, Geoană ranks first in the trust list, followed by the chief prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, Laura Codruţa Kovesi, with 34.3% and Emil Boc, the mayor of Cluj-Napoca, with 32.4%. The ranking is continued by Marcel Ciolacu with a trust capital of 25.3%, Diana Şoşoacă with 22.7%, Gabriela Firea with 21.4% and George Simion with 20.7%. 19.1% of respondents trust former Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă, and only 16.2% trust President Klaus Iohannis. Ilie Bolojan, the president of the Bihor County Council benefits from a trust capital of 12.9%, and Cătălin Drula - the president of USR has only 6.7%.

Remus Stefureac, director of INSCOP Research, told the quoted source: "The ranking of trust in personalities is dominated by the holders of the most important positions occupied by Romanian citizens on the international level, Mircea Geoană, the deputy secretary of NATO and Laura Codruţa Kovesi, the chief prosecutor of European Public Prosecutor's Office. The podium is completed by the mayor of Cluj, Emil Boc. The data draw attention through two elements: the fact that the occupants of the first three places are not active actors in national politics, but perform in their fields of activity and the level of trust in Diana Şoşoăca exceeds expectations, which shows the existence of some segments of the population that resonate with the messages ultra-radical, a veritable litmus of a state of deep dissatisfaction".

The opinion poll was carried out between November 20 and 27, using the CATI method (telephone interviews), through the questionnaire. The volume of the simple, stratified sample is 1100 people, representative of the significant socio-demographic categories (sex, age, occupation) for the non-institutionalized population of Romania, aged 18 and over. The maximum allowable error of the data is ± 2.95% at a confidence level of 95%.

In this survey, INSCOP also measured the level of notoriety of Romanian politicians.

Thus, although President Klaus Iohannis benefits from the trust of only 16.2% of citizens with the right to vote, he is the politician with the highest notoriety among the names tested, with 100% of respondents declaring that they have heard of him. In the top of notoriety, Iohannis is followed by Gabriela Firea with 94.6%, Diana Şoşoacă with 93.8%, Emil Boc with 93.7%, Mircea Geoană with 92.2% and Marcel Ciolacu with 92%. 86.5% of respondents claim to have heard of Laura Codruţa Kovesi, 83.8% of liberal leader Nicolae Ciucă and 81.4% of AUR leader George Simion. USR leader Cătălin Drula benefits from a notoriety of 41.6%, while Ilie Bolojan from 34.3%.

The voting intention of the voters was also measured in the survey. According to INSCOP data, PSD would get 30.2% of the votes, PNL - 20.1%, AUR - 19.5%, 11.9% of Romanians would vote for USR, and Diana Şoşoacă's party, SOS, would cross the threshold of 5% necessary to enter the Parliament, if parliamentary elections were held on Sunday. 4.9% of those who expressed a voting option would vote for UDMR, and 2% for Pro Romania. 1.9% of those interviewed express their option for the Green Party, 1.3% for PMP, 0.7% for PUSL, 0.6% for Forţa Dreptei and 0.3% for REPER. 1.3% of respondents express their preference for another party.

