186 Projects For Financing Via ROP - Region West

Paula Bulzan,Arad (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 18 august 2009

The Regional Development Agency (ADR) - West has received over 180 projects for non-reimbursable funding via the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) 2007 - 2013. According to a press release from ADR - West (an intermediate entity in the ROP implementation chain), of the 186 received projects, 49 have been contracted and will receive non-reimbursable financing in the amount of 80 million EUR. Five projects are in a pre-contractual phase and may receive non-reimbursable financing in the amount of 14.1 million EUR, whereas 62 projects are in different evaluation and selection phases, having a target non-reimbursable financing value of 228.1 million EUR.

Projects have been submitted for the key areas of intervention "Integrated Urban Development Plans," "Rehabilitation and Modernization of the County Roads and Urban Streets Network - Including Construction / Rehabilitation of Ring Roads," "Rehabilitation, Modernization and Equipping the Health Services Infrastructure," "Improving the Equipments of the Operational Units for Public Safety Interventions in Emergency Situations," "Support the Development of Micro-Enterprises," "Restoration and Sustainable Valorisation of Cultural Heritage, Setting Up and Modernization of Related Infrastructure," "Creation, Development, Modernization of the Tourism Infrastructure for Sustainable Valorisation of Natural Resources and for Increasing the Quality of Tourism Services

Of the total of 186 projects, 35 have been submitted for the key area of intervention 2.1 - " Rehabilitation and Modernization of the County Roads and Urban Streets Network - Including Construction / Rehabilitation of Ring Roads." Considering that the overall amount of funding applied for via the projects that have been submitted and are being evaluated and selected exceeds by far the 50% of the overall amount allocated for this key area of intervention, the Ministry of Development has decided to suspend the acceptance of applications for financing under this key area of intervention as of 31 August 2009.

Development Region West comprises the counties of Arad, Caras-Severin, Hunedoara and Timis. This is one of the eight development regions organized in Romania for stimulating regional development and promoting the interests of the region nationally and internationally.

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