Evoluţia companiilor din indicele BET în 2024

Evoluţia companiilor din indicele BET în 2024

R.S.Piaţa de Capital / 6 martie

Anul financiar 2024 a adus rezultate negative pentru companiile din indicele BET, reflectând impactul presiunilor macroeconomice, provocărilor specifice sectoarelor şi evoluţiilor la nivel de companie. Veniturile totale au rămas aproape...

Global Market Capitalization, Dominated by the US

Global Market Capitalization, Dominated by the US

A.V.English Section / 3 martie

America's dominance of the global stock market is unmatched, and its share has only increased in the past two years, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com, which notes that the remarkable performance of the S&P 500 stock index...

How political instability influenced BVB stocks

How political instability influenced BVB stocks

Andrei IacomiEnglish Section / 9 ianuarie

The indices of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) had an evolution marked by two distinct phases last year when, after a strong increase until the summer, the electoral period and the situation arising from the parliamentary and presidential...

Digi will redeem its bonds worth 450 million euros

Digi will redeem its bonds worth 450 million euros

A.I.English Section / 17 septembrie 2024

The subsidiary in our country of Digi Communications (DIGI) has exercised its right to redeem the senior guaranteed bonds due in 2025, in the principal amount of 450 million euros, according to a report of the telecommunications operator...

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Curs valutar BNR

10 Mar. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9766
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5831
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2229
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9245
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur427.6549

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