Photo source: X/ Elon Musk.jpg

US administration, taken over by businessmen

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 21 ianuarie

President Donald Trump's executive is the richest in US history, with the assets of its members worth a total of almost $500 billion, a staggering amount that far exceeds the GDP of countries such as Greece ($238 billion) or Hungary ($212...

Eurasianismul lui Aleksandr Dughin - Rezumat

Eurasianismul lui Aleksandr Dughin - Rezumat

F.G.Ziarul BURSA #Politică / 17 decembrie 2024

Eurasianismul lui Aleksandr Dughin este o teorie geopolitică, culturală şi filosofică care promovează formarea unui bloc geopolitic eurasiatic ca alternativă la dominaţia occidentală. Această ideologie combină elemente tradiţionale, spirituale şi...

Aleksandr Dugin's Eurasianism - Summary

Aleksandr Dugin's Eurasianism - Summary

F.G.English Section / 17 decembrie 2024

Aleksandr Dugin's Eurasianism is a geopolitical, cultural, and philosophical theory advocating for the establishment of a Eurasian geopolitical bloc as an alternative to Western domination. This ideology merges traditional, spiritual, and...

Dugin's meeting with a small circle of supporters in 2014 (photo published by Robert Turcescu).

Călin Georgescu, a Russian Push; The Evidence

MAKEEnglish Section / 17 decembrie 2024


The Russian influence on our political choices has yet to be proven, as the Romanian special services fumble with laughable details - did Călin Georgescu talk to Horaţiu Potra at the horse stable, or did he just drink tea in the adjacent room?

Bucharest becomes the capital of world zoology

Bucharest becomes the capital of world zoology

O.D.English Section / 6 noiembrie 2024

Zoology researchers meet in Bucharest, within the International Congress of Zoology (ZoologyCon 2024), which will take place at the Casa Universitarilor, between November 6 and 9. Specialists from Austria, Belgium, Romania, China, Mexico will...

Eurobarometer: Citizens support EU energy policies

Eurobarometer: Citizens support EU energy policies

O.D.English Section / 26 septembrie 2024

Environmental protection and resource saving are supported by more and more people. A Eurobarometer survey published by the European Commission highlights the strong support of European citizens for the European Union's energy policies....

Aleksander Kacprzyk

Resource Partners continuă investiţiile în România

R.S.Companii / 10 septembrie 2024

Resource Partners îşi consolidează prezenţa pe piaţa românească prin achiziţia a 80% din capitalul grupului ITH, din care fac parte Vola.ro din România, cu prezenţă inclusiv în Bulgaria şi Republica Moldova, şi FRU.pl în Polonia. Astfel, România...

 Resource Partners devine acţionar majoritar Vola.ro

Resource Partners devine acţionar majoritar Vola.ro

A.F.Companii / 2 septembrie 2024

Vola.ro, liderul pieţei de turism online din România, cu prezenţă şi în Polonia, Bulgaria şi Moldova, anunţă achiziţia unei participaţii de 80% din capitalul său de către Resource Partners, unul dintre cei mai importanţi manageri regionali de...

Forest fires an ongoing global crisis

Forest fires an ongoing global crisis

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 22 august 2024

Fires have ravaged vast territories across the globe this year. These fires, fueled by extreme weather conditions and climate change, have caused massive damage and triggered national and international emergency responses. This summer Canada is...

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

"The residential construction market is decreasing"

Recorded by George Marinescu.English Section / 14 august 2024

Reporter:: How did the construction sector perform in the first semester of 2024? Is there a greater appetite for investment in the industrial area? Has the residential market contracted or stagnated compared to the first half of 2023?...

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03 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9766
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.8595
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2985
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9826
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur437.1590

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