World Vision
Claude Monet, one of the greatest masters of Impressionism, was captivated by London and its famous "fog", a combination of industrial pollution and humidity that created a mysterious and unique light. (Charing Cross Bridge, Thames, Claude Monet/ photo source: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza/Wikimedia)

Pollution, inspiration for works of art

O.D.English Section / 30 septembrie

Pollution can have its charm, that's what great artists claim, who managed to immortalize it in famous paintings. Claude Monet, one of the greatest masters of Impressionism, was captivated by London and its famous "fog", a combination...

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, emphasized that this plan reflects Romania's commitment to contribute to a safer and greener future, integrating innovative technologies and massive investments in renewable energy.

Ambitious project, climate neutrality by 2045

O.D.English Section / 18 septembrie

Climate change is sending shivers down the spines of governments around the world. Things are no different at the Victoria Palace either. Romania has set ambitious goals in the fight against climate change, aiming to achieve climate neutrality...

Fundaţia World Vision România şi Fundaţia Civitas pun bazele Academiei de Afaceri Sociale: 61.000 de euro nerambursabili pentru 34 de idei de afaceri sociale din regiunile Nord-Est, Centru şi Nord-Vest ale României

Fundaţia World Vision România şi Fundaţia Civitas pun bazele Academiei de Afaceri Sociale: 61.000 de euro nerambursabili pentru 34 de idei de afaceri sociale din regiunile Nord-Est, Centru şi Nord-Vest ale României

R.S.Miscellanea / 17 septembrie

În Uniunea Europeană, există 2,8 milioane de întreprinderi de economie socială, reprezentând 10% din toate afacerile din UE. Aproape 13,6 milioane de persoane - aproximativ 6,2% dintre angajaţii UE - lucrează pentru întreprinderi din economia...

TXSE - a new American stock exchange in Texas

TXSE - a new American stock exchange in Texas

Photo: www.linkedin.com/in/jameshleetxEnglish Section / 10 iunie

A new national stock exchange based in Dallas and backed by "Wall Street heavyweights" such as BlackRock and Citadel Securities will become a competitor to the world-renowned New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq, according to CNN....

Croatian demining systems on the Ukrainian front

Croatian demining systems on the Ukrainian front

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 23 mai

One of the exhibitors at BSDA 2024 is the Croatian company DOK-ING which specializes in the manufacture of demining systems. In the exhibition, visitors can admire the MV10 system, intended for anti-tank demining, a system that weighs almost 21...

Natalia Intotero a depus două proiecte în Parlament

Natalia Intotero a depus două proiecte în Parlament

S.B.Politică / 14 mai

Ministra Familiei, Tineretului şi Egalităţii de Şanse, Natalia-Elena Intotero, în calitatea sa de deputată în Parlamentul României a depus două proiecte de lege, unul prin care este propus ca 2025 să fie declarat Anul Naţional al Copilului, iar...

Photo source: www.iffl.il.jpg

Quds Day, under the specter of revenge

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 5 aprilie

Authorities in Israel were preparing at the close last night to counter a possible massive drone and cruise missile attack today, Quds Friday, announced by leaders in Tehran after Israeli forces killed several Iranian military chiefs in a bombing...

Klaus Iohannis wants to be Secretary General of NATO

Klaus Iohannis wants to be Secretary General of NATO

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 13 martie

President Klaus Iohannis confirmed, yesterday, from the Cotroceni Palace, the news that appeared recently in the Western media according to which the authorities in our country would support him for the position of Secretary General of NATO,...

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