air asia
WWF specialists warn that we are on the verge of the sixth mass extinction of biodiversity, an extinction that, this time, is caused by human activities. In this context, the decisions taken at global level in the next five years are crucial for the future of the planet. Already, global deforestation has intensified in 2023, despite pledges to halt forest degradation by the end of the decade.

Report: Catastrophic decline in global biodiversity

O.D.English Section / 14 octombrie

Wildlife populations across the planet have suffered a shocking 73% decline in just 50 years, according to WWF's latest Living Planet Report. This dramatic loss signals the highest level of nature degradation in the Anthropocene era, fueling...

Millions of victims due to air pollution

Millions of victims due to air pollution

O.D.English Section / 21 iunie

Pollution remains a major threat to life on earth. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, causes numerous victims globally, including children, and is now much more lethal than smoking, according to a report published under the auspices of...

The alleged attackers at the Moscow concert hall, before the attack (below) and after they were detained by Russian forces

In Moscow, terrorist attack or special operation?

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 25 martie

Despite the fact that ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the shopping center near Moscow and insists on doing so, Vladimir Putin insists on pointing the finger at Ukraine. Around this terrorist attack, each camp associates the authors...

Pollution threatens pollination

Pollution threatens pollination

O.D.English Section / 13 februarie

The effects of pollution are among the most diverse. The pollination of plants dependent on nocturnal insects, such as moths, is threatened by air pollution, according to a study published in the journal Science. A pollutant present in the air,...

Vine marele dezgheţ?

Sorin Rosca StanescuPolitică / 15 noiembrie 2023

Sorin Rosca Stanescu

La o distanţă de şase ani, uriaşă în timpul politic, de când nu au mai avut loc practic negocieri oficiale între cele două super-puteri, iată că astăzi Xi Jinping şi Joe Biden stau faţă în faţă pentru a marca începutul unui dezgheţ. În cei şase...

Xi Jinping şi-a început vizita în Statele Unite

Xi Jinping şi-a început vizita în Statele Unite

S.B.Internaţional / 15 noiembrie 2023

Preşedintele chinez Xi Jinping şi-a început, marţi, prima vizită în Statele Unite după şase ani, după ce preşedintele Joe Biden a declarat că urmăreşte să restabilească o comunicare normală cu Beijingul, informează news.ro.

China enters the "season" of pollution

China enters the "season" of pollution

O.D.English Section / 3 noiembrie 2023

Asia is the most polluted continent, and uncontrolled industrialization is to blame for this situation. A high level of pollution is expected to persist in Beijing and the surrounding regions until mid-November, as announced by state media...

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Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3721
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9774
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur415.3204

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