Marilena Istrătescu, Fondator Hello Group

Hello Group lansează Finewise

F.D.Companii / 7 decembrie 2023

Hello Group lansează Finewise, nucleu de expertiză în comunicarea din domeniile food & beverages, ospitalitate, sănătate şi stare de bine, prin intermediul căruia echipe specializate pe industrii furnizează servicii de strategie şi creaţie,...

The fiscal changes, promulgated by Klaus Iohannis

The fiscal changes, promulgated by Klaus Iohannis

G.M.English Section / 27 octombrie 2023

Yesterday, President Klaus Iohannis signed the decree for the promulgation of the Law on some fiscal and budgetary measures to ensure Romania's long-term financial sustainability. It is about the fiscal measures assumed by the Ciolacu...

New taxes and fees

New taxes and fees

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 17 octombrie 2023

The new school year brought us new fees and taxes in the first month of autumn, following the fiscal changes assumed in the Government Parliament to reduce the budget deficit. Threatened by the European Commission with the cut of allocations from...

Tax wave

Tax wave

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 20 septembrie 2023

Companies that exceed a turnover of 50 million euros and banks will pay a tax of 1% on turnover provides for the draft law on some fiscal budgetary measures to ensure the financial sustainability of Romania in the long term posted, yesterday, in...

Special pensions, pending reform

Special pensions, pending reform

G.M.English Section / 5 septembrie 2023

The parliamentary session that started yesterday promises to be a busy one for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, due to the legislative reforms that must be adopted in order to receive the funding allocated through the National Recovery and...

Coca-Cola HBC şi-a îmbunătăţit profitul pentru 2023

Coca-Cola HBC şi-a îmbunătăţit profitul pentru 2023

D.R.Miscellanea / 7 iulie 2023

Coca-Cola HBC, al doilea producător de băuturi Coca Cola din afara SUA, şi-a îmbunătăţit vineri estimările de profit pentru anul 2023, graţie vânzărilor robuste şi majorărilor de preţuri din prima jumătate a anului, informează Agerpres.

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Curs valutar BNR

18 Oct. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9724
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5865
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2949
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9815
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur399.9201

convertor valutar


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