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Photo source: Facebook/ Cezar Cristian Fanaru

Did Russia also vote in the presidential elections?

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 11 decembrie 2024

The criminal investigations into the financing of Călin Georgescu's presidential campaign seem to be heading in the wrong direction. Although the declassified documents presented at the November 28 meeting of the Supreme Council for National...

 Conferinţa "POSITIVE BUSINESS - a talk about ESG, sustainabilty and positive impact in business": 17 lideri discută, pe 5 decembrie, despre cum arată un business responsabil şi tranziţia spre o organizaţie mai sustenabilă

Conferinţa "POSITIVE BUSINESS - a talk about ESG, sustainabilty and positive impact in business": 17 lideri discută, pe 5 decembrie, despre cum arată un business responsabil şi tranziţia spre o organizaţie mai sustenabilă

A.F.Media-Advertising / 3 decembrie 2024

Pe 5 decembrie 2024, va avea loc la Bucureşti o nouă ediţie a evenimentului "POSITIVE BUSINESS - a talk about ESG, sustainabilty and positive impact in business", eveniment organizat de BusinessMark, în cadrul căruia specialişti din...

Bitcoin's March to $100,000 Has Stopped; Why?

Bitcoin's March to $100,000 Has Stopped; Why?

A.I.English Section / 27 noiembrie 2024

Bitcoin has surged more than 30% since the U.S. election earlier this month, but has yet to break the psychological $100,000 mark. The world's most popular cryptocurrency hit an all-time high of around $99,617 last week, but has since started...

Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

Tech giants accused of "mass surveillance'

O.D.English Section / 23 septembrie 2024

A new report by the US Competition Authority (FTC) brings to light an alarming reality: giants in the field of social platforms and the Internet practice mass surveillance to capitalize on users' personal data. The study, carried out over...

Photo source: facebook / Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

The Fed, the richest central bank in the world

A.V.English Section / 15 august 2024

Central banks play a crucial role in maintaining stability and economic growth by implementing stable monetary policies and ensuring financial stability, according to an analysis by indianexpress.com, which presents Top 10 richest global central...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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