house of art
Gaudeamus Book Fair Awards

Gaudeamus Book Fair Awards

O.D.English Section / 10 decembrie 2024

The Gaudeamus Book Fair was once again a success with the public. Humanitas, Litera and Polirom Publishing Houses, as well as Professor Liviu Franga, translator Claudiu Sfirschi-Lăudat and French journalist and translator Laure Hinckel are among...

Raluca Turcan: "The approval of the new credit line offers the extraordinary opportunity to almost completely revive the public infrastructuremanaged by the Ministry of Culture and responds to a long-delayed need". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

"Culture" borrows 140 million euros for investments

O.D.English Section / 18 noiembrie 2024

Without financing, culture cannot survive. The Board of Directors of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB) has approved a loan of 140 million euros for the "Cultural Foundation" project, which aims to save historical monuments and...

Klaus Iohannis, awarded in the USA

Klaus Iohannis, awarded in the USA

G.M. English Section / 8 mai 2024

President Klaus Iohannis is in the USA, where he is to be handed over tomorrow, May 9, around 2:00 a.m. - Romanian time, the Distinguished International Leadership Award for 2024, at the Atlantic Council gala. Annually, the Atlantic Council...

Contemporary art: 1,500,000 lei for purchases

Contemporary art: 1,500,000 lei for purchases

O.D.English Section / 24 aprilie 2024

The Ministry of Culture announces the granting of the total sum of 1,500,000 lei for the completion of the heritage collections administered by the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest, the Brukenthal National Museum in Sibiu and the...

Source: ES Composite

Vladimir Putin launched the "witch hunt"

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 29 martie 2024

Despite the accusatory statements against Ukraine after the terrorist attack at Crocus Hall a week ago, Vladimir Putin and the FSB have not yet been able to present to the world any connection between the four ISIS terrorists and the authorities...

Photo source: facebook / Muzeul National Brukenthal.

Open Doors at the Museum for the locals of Sibiu

O.D.English Section / 8 ianuarie 2024

A commendable cultural initiative comes from Sibiu. The management of the Brukenthal National Museum has decided, for the first time, to offer free entry to locals on the first Thursday of each month to four museums within the museum complex,...

Photo source: www.iranintl.com

National airspace - a sieve for Russian drones

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 12 septembrie 2023

The Plauru event could have been avoided if the decision-makers in MApN had done their job. Better said if the General Staff of the Romanian Army had ordered the deployment of Gepard mobile anti-aircraft defense systems in the border area with...

"Inflation" of Poets in the Capital

"Inflation" of Poets in the Capital

O.D.English Section / 23 august 2023

For a few days, Bucharest will become the city of poets. The 13th edition of the International Poetry Festival Bucharest (FIPB) will take place from September 11th to 17th. The program includes the participation of over 170 poets from 27...

Big breathing projects. In Paris

Big breathing projects. In Paris

Marius TiţaEnglish Section / 21 august 2023

Marius Tiţa

It was terrible then, on April 15, 2019, when the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris caught fire, the famous, historical, beautiful, beloved, wonderful house of God! Octav Drăgan, the Romanian photographer of Paris, was there and remembers that, at...

Vinerea neagră a marilor magazine

Vinerea neagră a marilor magazine

Octavian DanZiarul BURSA #Companii / 18 noiembrie 2021

Marea petrecere a reducerilor de preţuri din luna noiembrie s-a transformat într-un priveghi la căpătâiul încrederii relaţiei dintre cumpărător şi vânzător. Vălul a fost ridicat de pe o poveste mai veche, iar Autoritatea Naţională pentru...

Anchetă pe piaţa cărţii autohtone

Anchetă pe piaţa cărţii autohtone

O.D.Ziarul BURSA #Miscellanea / 24 septembrie 2021

Deplânsă pentru numărul tot mai mic de consumatori, piaţa cărţii se confruntă şi cu probleme de cu totul altă factură, mai puţin...culturală. ,Potrivit ultimelor evenimente, problemele nu sunt cauzate doar din exterior ci şi din interior....

The takeover of Electroargeş SA, blocked by the initiative of a former member of the Board of Directors of SAI Muntenia Invest

THE ASF, THE INSTITUTION OF THE DRĂGOI CLAN?The takeover of Electroargeş SA, blocked by the initiative of a former member of the Board of Directors of SAI Muntenia Invest


The Financial Oversight Authority does not hesitate to amaze us every day through its rulings made in certain cases, in which either the Drăgoi family is involved, or its employees appear ephemerally, who make allegedly totally disinterested...

The medical system needs sound economic foundations

The medical system needs sound economic foundations

Theodor Srtolojan (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu )English Section / 11 ianuarie 2021

In 2020, in Romania, the pandemic triggered by Covid19 highlighted the vulnerabilities of the public (state) health system both at the level of medical units and at the national level. I am thinking of the precarious medical infrastructure, not...

Another man, another woman

REFERENDUMAnother man, another woman

Dan Nicolaie (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)Ziarul BURSA #Politică / 2 octombrie 2018

The referendum on the redefinition of marriage in the Constitution has split society into two large camps, one that supports the traditional family and one that supports (sexual) "tolerance and diversity" all the way through. The two...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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