Investment: 100 million euros for the rehabilitation of the National Museum of History

English Section / 23 octombrie

Photo source: Facebook/ Muzeul Naþional de Istorie a României

Photo source: Facebook/ Muzeul Naþional de Istorie a României

Versiunea în limba română

The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, announces that the contract regarding the approval documentation for the intervention works for the rehabilitation of the National Museum of History of Romania (MNIR) has been signed. The contract was awarded following an open tender procedure and has a value of 1,208,424 euros (excluding VAT), the provider having the obligation to prepare the approval documentation for the intervention works within a maximum period of 180 days from the date of issuing the order to start the design. ""We have signed the contract regarding the approval documentation for the intervention works for the rehabilitation of the National Museum of History of Romania (MNIR). The investment is financed through a Framework Loan Agreement between Romania and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB), intended for the rehabilitation of the built heritage and the modernization of cultural buildings in Romania", the minister announced. The investment at the National Museum of History of Romania in Bucharest is estimated at over 100 million euros, Raluca Turcan specifies.

"The MNIR will become the second largest consolidated and restored historical monument in Romania, with a total area of 32,000 square meters, after the Palace of Culture in Iaşi, where the investment made through the Project Management Unit within the Ministry of Culture was 26.4 million euros", Turcan also states, adding: "By making the investment, it is expected to obtain an expanded museum space compared to the current one, which will allow the exhibition in a high-performance way, at high modern standards, of the exhibits currently not exhibited, a much more coherent, flexible and interesting museum route. The rectification of the current deficiencies of the building, along with the expansion of the permanent exhibition, the provision of state-of-the-art research and restoration equipment and laboratories, and the addition of related public spaces aim to place the National Museum of History of Romania on the list of prestigious international museums.'' An emblematic building of the capital, the building on Calea Victoriei known as the "Palace of the Posts" was inaugurated in 1903 in the presence of King Carol I, being the largest building in Romania until the construction of the People's House in 1980. The city's Central Post Office operated in the building until 1970, when renovation and arrangement works took place for the National Museum of History of Romania, inaugurated in 1972. Currently, the MNIR is the largest museum in the country and one of the great European museums, bringing together the most important archaeological discoveries and historical documents of Romania. The objective of the investment is to enhance the value of this building by consolidating, preserving, restoring, rearranging functions and redeveloping the entire historical building.

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