Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) - "Melencolia I" (1514)

Aversion to Rationality

MAKEEnglish Section / 27 decembrie 2023


The communication between God and Moses on Mount Sinai is such a powerful narrative in the Holy Book that the subsequent fusion of revelation and reason - a process explored in earlier episodes of this essay - fades into the background, even...


Cristian PîrvulescuZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 16 octombrie 2023

Cristian Pîrvulescu

Oricine încearcă să justifice crimele Brigăzilor Al-Qassam, aripa militară a Hamas, săvârşite cu barbarie sâmbătă, 7 octombrie, în sudul Israelului, la graniţa cu Fâşia Gaza, decade din condiţia umană. Nici o fiinţă umană nu poate accepta crimele...

Why the Law?

MAKEEnglish Section / 18 aprilie 2023


The scandal sparked by the Apostle Paul's question "Why the Law?" from the Epistle to the Galatians has been going on for two thousand years. According to historians' periodization, the Epistle was probably written around 50-51...

God's fingerprint - Appendix 1

MAKEEnglish Section / 17 aprilie 2023


The wave effect - like circular waves of water stirred around the center where a stone has fallen - is found as an invariant in the way the Jews thought about the creation of the universe, in the way they understand the Tanakh/Old Testament...

Il Sfumato of the New Testament

MAKEEnglish Section / 16 aprilie 2023


Backward is Pharisaism and Saul of Tarsus, forward is the Apostle Paul and Christianity, and in the middle is Revelation, as he himself assures us; and/or the deviation from Pharisaism, incorporating Hellenism, as one might observe.

Legalistic Contortions before God

MAKEEnglish Section / 14 aprilie 2023


The need for logical discipline in disputatious dialogue arose in the informal war of words, where winning meant abandoning the other, regardless of reason; for instance, if the other person passed away halfway through the sentence, it meant that...

Ilustraţie de MAKE

Cel mai mic în Împărăţia cerurilor: Hillel

MAKECultură / 10 aprilie 2023


Emanciparea în raporturile cu Dumnezeu, urmărită în fundalul acestui eseu, este însoţită de un proces complementar de recesiune a sacralităţii, după cum susţine Sforno (1), fără să precizeze că temeiurile afirmaţiei sale ar fi legendare:...

The smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven: Hillel

MAKEEnglish Section / 10 aprilie 2023


The emancipation in relations with God pursued in the background of this essay is accompanied by a complementary process of recession of sacredness, as Sforno (1) argues, without specifying that the basis of his statement is legendary:...

The promised embassy in Jerusalem

The promised embassy in Jerusalem

MAKEZiarul BURSA #English Section / 8 mai 2018


Definitely, pilgrims and locals claim that Jerusalem has a geography, meaning that the city would be compatible with the cardinal points and that is why Palestinians, Israelis and people overall, including those of the UN, EU and the US, speak...

Cumplita povară a numelor

Cornel CodiţăZiarul BURSA #Editorial / 7 octombrie 2016

Cornel Codiţă

A da nume lucrurilor şi fenomenelor din jurul său este actul întemeietor al Omului şi al umanităţii sale. Ne-o spun, fără excepţie, toate textele sacre ale civilizaţiilor pe care le cunoaştem, de la Vede, la Torah şi de la ele, la Biblie şi...

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