watch series
Apple Watch SE va avea un nou design

Apple Watch SE va avea un nou design

A.F.Companii / 13 ianuarie

Apple va lansa anul acesta versiuni noi ale smartwatch-urilor dezvoltate de companie, cu câte un set de îmbunătăţiri pregătite pentru fiecare model, conform Bloomberg.

Collage by MAKE

Presidential 2024: so many promises, so many scandals

George MarinescuEnglish Section / 22 noiembrie 2024

The presidential elections in Romania, which will take place on Sunday, November 24, 2024, represent a crucial moment in defining the political direction of the country for the next five years, given the fact that, out of the 14 candidates for...

Raluca Turcan: "67% of Romanians have visited historical monuments or archaeological sites, watching movies at the cinema will reach 34% in 2023, an increase from 26% and 59% of respondents have read books, either in physical format or in digital format, and 45% of Romanians have visited a museum, an exhibition, or a gallery". (Photo source: Facebook/ Raluca Turcan)

Turcan: Cultural Consumption, on the Rise

O.D.English Section / 14 noiembrie 2024

Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan claims that the data of the 2023 Cultural Consumption Barometer show an increase and confirms that the strategic directions she had during her mandate as Minister of Culture were correct. The Minister recalled...

Photo source: facebook/CentrulCultural5

Free entry to the National Youth Theatre Festival

O.D.English Section / 7 noiembrie 2023

Hundreds of actors and aspiring actors can be seen at work these days in the capital. Contests, theater performances, and workshops for young people and teenagers are part of the program of the National Youth Theatre Festival "Ştefan...

Apple a prezentat Watch Series 9

Apple a prezentat Watch Series 9

F.D.Companii / 13 septembrie 2023

A noua generaţie de ceasuri Apple Watch prezentată marţi în cadrul celui mai important eveniment anual al companiei, "Wonderlust", reprezintă un upgrade minor faţă de generaţia anterioară, aducând un număr redus de îmbunătăţiri, relatează...

Apple Watch ar putea măsura temperatura corpului

Apple Watch ar putea măsura temperatura corpului

N.R.Miscellanea / 4 iulie 2022

Cea mai importantă noutate pe care viitoarea versiune de Apple Watch o va aduce ar putea consta într-un sistem de măsurare a temperaturii cu avertizarea utilizatorului atunci când aceasta este prea mare, informează News.ro.

HUAWEI a lansat oficial noua serie P40

HUAWEI a lansat oficial noua serie P40

A.T.Miscellanea / 26 martie 2020

HUAWEI Consumer Business Group (CBG) a anunţat astăzi lansarea oficială a HUAWEI P40 Pro+, HUAWEI P40 Pro şi HUAWEI P40, flagship-urile Huawei P40 Series, cu un design de ultimă oră şi camere foto revoluţionare, ce extind posibilităţile de...

Sursa foto: Twitter

Consumer Electronics Show se deschide astăzi

T.I.Internaţional / 8 ianuarie 2019

Cel mai mare târg anual de electronică din lume - Consumer Electronics Show (CES) - îşi deschide, astăzi, porţile pentru public, în Las Vegas (SUA), având în centru tehnologia 5G, menită să impulsioneze viteza conexiunilor fără fir la internet şi...

iSTYLE a lansat iPhone XS şi Apple Watch Series 4

APPLE:iSTYLE a lansat iPhone XS şi Apple Watch Series 4

T.I.Companii / 28 septembrie 2018

iSTYLE, cea mai mare reţea Apple Premium Reseller din Europa Centrală şi de Est, a lansat cele mai noi dispozitive Apple - iPhone XS/ XS Max şi Apple Watch Series 4. Începând de astăzi, pasionaţii Apple pot găsi produsele în toate magazinele...

The move to the Euro doesn't have a place on its public agenda

The move to the Euro doesn't have a place on its public agenda

THEODOR STOLOJAN (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 24 mai 2017

The public agenda in Romania is dominated by the SIPA scandal, and, more recently, by the activity of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission concerning the presidential elections of 2009. There is no more room for anything else and much less...

Vlădescu doesn't rule out a criminal complaint against Prosszer

Vlădescu doesn't rule out a criminal complaint against Prosszer

Ancuţa Stanciu; Adina Ardeleanu (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 20 februarie 2017

Reporter: How do you think the major loss of approximately 39 million Euros which Romcab reported last weekend for the year 2016 can be explained, considering that after nine months, it had posted a net profit of approximately 9 million...

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21 Feb. 2025
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9773
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.7543
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.2911
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină6.0152
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur447.9253

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