CO2 emissions, financing source for the energy sector

A.T. (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 septembrie 2009

The future two companies may be financed from carbon emission rights. Adriean Videanu, the minister of the Economy, said that he expects about 1.5 - 1.8 billion Euros in earnings from issuing carbon emission certificates. He said that the debate for uncovering funding sources for the two companies could begin early next year.

In turn, Tudor Şerban, secretary of state in the Ministry of the Economy, said that Western European countries have already introduced pollution taxes for every consumer, in order to support environmental investments in energy and industry. He provided the example of investments in carbon capture investments which are extremely costly and said that there will be some time before Romania needs to introduce pollution taxes for individual consumers.

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