Craiova has started preparations for... Christmas

English Section / 2 octombrie 2024

Craiova has started preparations for... Christmas

Versiunea în limba română

The homely man is no longer known by the sleighs and carts made in summer and winter, but by the holiday decorations. The mayor of Craiova, Lia Olguţa Vasilescu, announces the start of installation of the installations for the Christmas Fair, which will be opened on November 15. "We are starting the installation of the installations for the Christmas Fair, because we want to have the necessary time to put into action more stories that will make you happy this year", announced Lia Olguţa Vasilescu. She added: "From November 15, the sky of Craiova will be able to see the sleigh pulled by reindeer with Santa Claus who will come personally to see the most beautiful holiday fair in Romania. Many attractions are prepared in his village: ice rinks, roller coasters, houses with goodies and souvenirs, carousels, installations that will take your breath away. In Piaţa Fraţii Buzeşti you can witness the nativity scene, in Doljeana you will be greeted by Star Wars decorations, and in Piaţa Mihai Viteazul you can see Beauty and the Beast dancing, being the first time in Romania that the characters come to life with the help of lights and artificial intelligence. Belle's village is full of roses, and the prince transformed into the Beast can be seen in the palace balcony, guarded by fearsome white wolves. The glass bowl containing the shaking rose will sit on the rink. Candlesticks, clocks, talking cabinets complete one of the most beautiful settings that could be seen, in an explosion of light and color". According to Lia Olguţa Vasilescu, travel agencies in Bulgaria are already making reservations for the Craiova Christmas Fair and invite Romanians to make reservations in advance.

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