European grants for Romanian students

A.A. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 martie 2011

Five Romanian universities received 19.13 million lei from the European Union, of which 18.24 million lei in grants, for the execution of Master program in the area of the management of International risk.

The strategic project "Advanced professional and research competences in the management of international risk" was launched on January 3rd, 2011, and will have an implementation period of 36 months. Thus, 640 students will be granted scholarships to pursue the academic programs offered by the Academy of Economic Studies, the "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj Napoca, the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, the Western University of Timişoara and the "Ovidius" University of Constanţa.

The master program will take place in association with the Paris - Dauphine University.

The project is expected to contribute to the specific and advanced professional training which will lead to durable economic growth and will increase the sustainable nature of job occupancy, according to a press release.

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