IMPACT Developer & Contractor Taps Energy Distribution Market

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 noiembrie 2008

Romania"s energy regulator, ANRE has authorized the unit price for the service of electricity distribution provided by real estate developer IMPACT Developer & Contractor in one of the residential areas built by the company. ANRE"s Decision no. 2321/04112008 confirms that IMPACT is authorized to charge a unit price of 77.83 RON/MWh (VAT not included) for the electricity distributed in the respective area. To this adds the price of the actually distributed electricity. "As the unit price for the electricity distribution service has been approved, IMPACT SA becomes both a distributor and a supplier to our residents. We will continue legal procedures to get the distribution price approved also for our other residential areas in order to therefore capizalize on our investments in electricity infrastructure in the 12 projects we have completed so far. The more residential areas are included in this distribution plan, the more probable it is that that the cost of electricity may decrease, due to a higher number of consumers," said Dan Ioan Popp, CEO of IMPACT Developer & Contractor. The company has set up a dedicated call center for the electricity distribution service.

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