Protest rally of sports unionists

English Section / 17 aprilie 2024

Photo source: facebook/Sindicatul National Sport si Tineret

Photo source: facebook/Sindicatul National Sport si Tineret

Versiunea în limba română

The sports unionists will take to the streets under the slogan: "We demand salaries with which we can raise our children!". The National Sports and Youth Union - SNST, a member of the PUBLISIND Federation / National Trade Union Bloc - BNS, is organizing a Protest Rally at the headquarters of the National Sports Agency on April 23, 2024. The trade unionists believe that they have been ignored enough and must heard the voice: "We are protesting at the ANS with the full team, we will shout our grievances together with colleagues who work in the County Sports and Youth Directorates, the Municipal Sports Clubs, the National Sports Complexes, the National Center for the Training and Improvement of Coaches, the Sports Museum, the National Institute of Research for Sport - INCS, the National Sports Federations and from the National Agency for Sport - ANS. Athletes dissatisfied with shortages and cuts in all aspects: equipment, prizes, transport or training conditions come with us".

They consider that they have reached the bottom limit regarding salary rights: "We are struggling in misery and poverty! Our salaries are the lowest in the entire budgetary system, and the National Agency for Sports has not done anything for its employees. The ANS management did not initiate any legal steps to regulate wages in the nine months since its establishment, unlike the representatives of other institutions, who put the issue of wages on the government's table, supported and obtained important increases for their employees. Performances and medals don't come from hunger! (in any case, sports results are no longer awarded)". The claims and grievances of SNST are related to: very low wages, thousands of unpaid and uncompensated overtime hours due to lack of staff, unpaid work on Saturdays and Sundays, lack of staff and miserable working conditions in some units. SNST will continue the protests until it gets the due salaries for its members. The National Sports and Youth Union demands an immediate 25% increase in salaries, the elimination of inequities and discrimination! At the same time, it demands transparency regarding the measures of decentralization and reorganization of subordinates; elimination of uncertainty regarding the preservation and safety of jobs.

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