Romania To Double Energy Output

Alina Toma Vereha
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 24 noiembrie 2008

Romania will double the energy production.

Romania will double the energy production.

Romania will double the energy production capacity by the year 2020, according to Minister of Economy and Finance Varujan Vosganian. By that time, the overall investments in new production capacities will have exceeded 10 billion EUR. "Considering the new production units announced by State and private companies, we will reach about 100 TW in 2020, compared to the current output of 55 TW. Today is a historical day, because we have just signed the agreements with the private investors for Reactors 3 and 4 of the Cernavoda Nuclear Plant, that is, 720 MW each, as well as for the power plant in Galati, which adds another 400 MW. Last summer we also signed an agreement for CET Braila, which will add another 800 MW. Next week, we will sign yet another agreement, for the power plant in Borzesti. We are talking about billions of euros in investments for the next 3-5 years," said Vosganian.

He stressed that the sign-off was a positive message from foreign investors, who were ready to commit massive amounts of money to Romania"s energy system. In addition to the above, a wind energy project will be built in Dobrogea, adding some 600 MW to the countrywide output. A hydro power plant has been announced at Tarnita, while the Oltenia National Lignite Company and a number of private investors want to build a modern coal-fired power plant in the Oltenia basin. In turn, Termoelectrica will set up a joint venture to build a power plant in Doicesti. The first tender was cancelled because the participants dropped out, but a second round is about to be organized with two other companies. Thus, coal-dependant Termoelectrica is planning to transform from the literally "black" sheep of Romania"s energy system into a leading shareholder in new, environmentally friend power plants.

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