Tabără: "We intend to summon Mircea Geoană for hearings before the Commission for Irrigations"

(Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 2 septembrie 2009

Former ambassador of Romania in Washington, Mircea Geoană, to provide details on the controversial agricultural program Romag` 98

Chairman of the Investigation Commission concerning the irrigation system, Democrat-Liberal Valeriu Tabără yesterday announced that deputies in the commission intend to summon Mircea Geoană, the leader of the Social Democrat Party (PSD) , before the commission, to discuss his involvement in the Romag` 98 affair.

According to NewsIn, Valeriu Tabără said: "We want to ask former Washington Ambassador Mircea Geoană about his actions while he was in office concerning the Romag `98 program and the contract with American Corporation Transchem. That is of course, if he took any such actions, because we are not accusing anybody. We also want to know whether at the time, Mr. Geoană was aware of the danger that this company posed, and of the fact that the company in question had failed to implement similar programs in countries such as Ukraine or Poland".

Democrat-liberal said that Geoană could be summoned before the Commission next week, together with former head of state Emil Constantinescu and former Prime Minister, Victor Ciorbea, but a consensus will only be reached on Tuesday.

The commission also investigated Ionuţ Costea, former secretary of state in the Ministry of Finance and brother-in-law of Mircea Geoană, in relation to the Romag affair.

On August 24th, Costea said that the program for supporting Romania"s agriculture based on the contract with Transchem "looked good" at the time of its signing and that he wasn"t personally aware about the scandal which had arisen around the company in Ukraine, and that the Ministry of Finance had no responsibility in the unfolding of the Program.

Emil Constantinescu and Victor Ciorbea will also be called for hearings.

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