THE "EUROPEAN FUNDS" CONFERENCE - 6TH EDITION / CRISTINA CHIRIAC, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENTREPRENEURS (ANAA): "Entrepreneurs demand simple and transparent procedures and shorter deadlines"

ANA ZIDARU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 18 iunie 2014

"Entrepreneurs demand simple and transparent procedures and shorter deadlines"

Entrepreneurs demand simple procedures, shorter deadlines, transparency and efficiency in the process of absorption of European funds. Cristina Chiriac, the president of the National Association of Entrepreneurs (ANAA), said yesterday: "As Romania's GDP does not allow a financing of all the projects for structural or economic branch development, structural funds are the only form of amplifying the investment potential. Attracting funds doubles or even triples the current volume of investments. The need to simplify the absorption procedures is real, as is the need for a vision when it comes to development. Plans are usually made starting with the budget and a project is built around it, instead of identifying a problem and finding a solution for it that is eligible for financing".

Mrs. Chiriac also said that even though the absorption rate has increased, entrepreneurs are still facing a difficult implementation process, with a high bureaucracy and complicated guides. "We want a cohesive strategy, based on the real needs of Romanian entrepreneurs, in other words we don't have to write projects just for the sake of doing something, we want effectiveness. We want these projects to result in attracting European funds and of course, we want their implementation phase to be done in compliance with the law", the president of the ANAA said, who also added that a small percentage of the projects executed using European funds were fully successful.

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