Low Carbon
The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, has issued a global climate "SOS". The Pacific Islands Summit organized by the United Nations (UN) brought to the fore one of the most acute problems facing humanity: the rapid rise of sea levels and the devastating impact on the Pacific islands. (Photo source: facebook / United Nations)

Climate "SOS" launched by the UN

Octavian DanEnglish Section / 28 august

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, raised the alarm about the major problems facing the planet. Antonio Guterres has issued a global climate "SOS". The Pacific Islands Summit organized by the United Nations...

Clifford Chance Badea Team

Clifford Chance Badea a asistat PIB Group Europa

R.S.Companii / 15 aprilie

Clifford Chance Badea, biroul de la Bucureşti al firmei globale de avocatură Clifford Chance, a acordat asistenţă PIB Group Europa, susţinută de firmele globale de private equity Apax Funds şi The Carlyle Group, în legătură cu achiziţia Stein...

Orange va renunţa gradual la tehnologia 3G, din iunie 2024

Orange va renunţa gradual la tehnologia 3G, din iunie 2024

F.D.Companii / 22 ianuarie

Orange România anunţă închiderea graduală a reţelei 3G, începând cu iunie 2024, măsură ce va permite companiei să-şi concentreze eforturile pentru dezvoltarea reţelelor 4G/5G, dar şi a altor tehnologii emergente, care vor asigura nevoile de...

Copernicus: 2023, the Hottest Year

Copernicus: 2023, the Hottest Year

O.D.English Section / 11 ianuarie

Meteorological records fell one after another throughout 2023, and Europe was no exception. Last year was the hottest in the history of meteorological recordings, with a "remarkable" advancement, probably the warmest in the last 100,000...

Water and carbon discovered on an asteroid

Water and carbon discovered on an asteroid

O.D.English Section / 13 octombrie 2023

Outer space may be more hospitable than people once believed. Recently, essential elements for human life were discovered on an asteroid. NASA has revealed that the asteroid Bennu contains water and carbon, as scientists had hoped. This discovery...

IMF: Romania does not need financial assistance

IMF: Romania does not need financial assistance

V.R.English Section / 5 octombrie 2023

Romania does not need financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and there is no need to increase the VAT, stated, yesterday, the head of the IMF mission for Romania, Kees Martijn, during a press conference that took place at...

Apple a prezentat Watch Series 9

Apple a prezentat Watch Series 9

F.D.Companii / 13 septembrie 2023

A noua generaţie de ceasuri Apple Watch prezentată marţi în cadrul celui mai important eveniment anual al companiei, "Wonderlust", reprezintă un upgrade minor faţă de generaţia anterioară, aducând un număr redus de îmbunătăţiri, relatează...

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25 Oct. 2024
Euro (EUR)Euro4.9732
Dolar SUA (USD)Dolar SUA4.5955
Franc elveţian (CHF)Franc elveţian5.3022
Liră sterlină (GBP)Liră sterlină5.9656
Gram de aur (XAU)Gram de aur401.8823

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