Universal Music
Photo source: facebook/Eurovision Song Contest

Eurovision, a tribune of geopolitical squabbles

O.D.English Section / 24 aprilie 2024

The Eurovision contest is changing from one year to the next, the connection with music being ever thinner. This year's edition will be no exception, being preceded by many geopolitical discussions. More than 400 Irish artists urged the...

West University promotes cultural diplomacy

West University promotes cultural diplomacy

O.D.English Section / 8 noiembrie 2023

West University Timişoara (UVT) is promoting cultural diplomacy as part of the Timişoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture program in November, offering four international concerts featuring Alexandru Tomescu and Sînziana Mircea to audiences in...

School is starting, every one for themselves!

School is starting, every one for themselves!

OCTAVIAN DAN (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)English Section / 14 septembrie 2020

A new school year begins today, and the joy up until now has been replaced with fear and in some cases even with terror. The sanitary crisis is causing headaches for the authorities, teachers, children, and even to those who are...

Sony, investiţie în EMI Music Publishing

Sony, investiţie în EMI Music Publishing

M.D.Companii / 22 mai 2018

Gigantul nipon Sony Corp a anunţat, astăzi, că va plăti aproximativ 2,3 miliarde de dolari pentru a obţine controlul asupra companiei britanice EMI Music Publishing, devenind cea mai mare casă de discuri din lume, într-o industrie care a găsit o...

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